Chapter 8 Magic World

Niji woke up confusedly, and then found that he was lying on the sofa and Qian Mi and Al were talking to the table next to the dining table. When he saw Niji woke up, Qian Xi said with a smile, "Wake up," wake upIs Nizer's younger brother!? "

" Ah! Yes ~ "Niji hurriedly responded, and saw Niji wake up, and Ivy snorted Nihi," Even others let you two twoYou can't beat your hands, it's really wasteful! "

Niji was immediately hit and hid aside and painted the circle. Seeing Nage's decadent look, Al walked to Niji and laughed and touched it.Nageh's head, "How do you say you are only 10 years old, Niji, the road will grow in the future!"

"Najib was also active on the battlefield as when Niji was as big as Niji.Let ’s!" Yiwen continued to crack down on the expression of hate iron and steel. "You know you are Najib's son!"

"Okay ~" Qian Xian started to come out to play the round field, Thousand FantasyLooking at Niji, who was still frustrated, "So, since you know that Najib has not died, what do you think?"

I heard Qian Xi said that he was his father's affairs, NijiQuickly restore the normal state and look at Qian Mi seriously, "I will definitely find my father!"

"Yes ..." Qian Xian's mouth raised a smile, "So, it is better to return to Wales!"


"There is a door to MoondDe ** Agicus in the Magic World!"

"Hey!"Ask the Said, "Na! Xiaosha, is the magic world refers to the country of magic?"

When everyone was surprised, the calm hall suddenly hung up the wind, and the tomorrow's dishes were squinting and found that Nirvana was indeed a nirvana.The wind caused by the magic leakage in the body of Ji, tomorrow's dishes can't help yelling, "Dead little ghost !!"
"Nirvania ... Teacher Niji!!!

Three fantasy three people looked at Niji with a smile, and soon the wind stopped. Niji raised his right hand excitedly, "Then I set off !!"

"Oh ..." A huge sound, the people found that the right hand that Yowen had not yet let go and Niji lying on the ground.? Do you know where to go !! "

" Yeah! "Tomorrow's dish also looked at Nizhi's expression," Once I hear my father, I don't care about things aroundYou are a teacher! There is still the final exam !!! "

" I'm sorry !! "Niji looked at Asuka with tears," It seems that it will be time to wait for the summer vacation ... right!"Niji looked up and looked at Qian Mi and Al," That, Mr. Qian Mi, can you talk about his father's past today ... "

" Of course ... "Qian Xi nodded," If I knowWhat happened ... "

" Brexia !! "The voice of the remaining students in class 3 -A suddenly came, Al with a smile at Niger," Allah!I have forgotten that I have invited them. It seems that it is impossible today!"

" Yes ... "

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"It's a good child ~" A few days later, I heard that Neiji was going to practice before Wales.Al.

"Yes ~" Al also looked at Qian Mi with a smile, "So where are you going to go?"

" I?"Qian Mi thought about shrugging," I don't know, look at the situation ... "

" So, are you interested in helping me be busy?"

" Oh?"

" Fate ... You should be familiar with this name ... "

[It's not just cooked, it is ashamed!] But Qian Mi knows that Fit said that Fetter said that it is not himself himself.Familiar Fit, but Fit Aytevis, who is in [Full World], nodded by Qian Mi, "I know, what's going on?""

" I heard that Fett appeared again in the magic world again ... "Al's face looked at Qian Xuan with a dignified face," And the red wings should be attacked by [complete world] good things ..."

" It is really possible ... "Qian Xi also thought about it, and then looked at Al," But you make me help me more simple!"

" Oh ... "Al smiled at him without care." Actually, I am not worried about being being taken, but in case of Nikki, if they met, they met.Ability ... So, I want you to help you find a downward pull, let him ... "

" Are you looking down on my physical technique!"Qian Xi's mouth stiffened with a smile," Or do you want to experience my physical technique in person? ""

" Ahaha ~ Then don't need it!"

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BR> Soon, Niji and his team embarked on the road to the world of magic. Thousands of fantasy also went to the magic world when they went to Wales when they lived to Wales.Card beside you.

After returning to Ardeney, I started to find Lakaki. Soon the Thousand Magic Watches found a mercenary similar to Lakan,Stepping on the journey to find Lakan.

And Negei, the Niri group was first suffered the cruel first lesson of the magic world. The Niji team was attacked by Fett at the portal.It was also scattered by Fit's transmission magic.

[Mihaha ~~~ It hasn't been a bit unconnected for a long time, in fact ... this time there is a reason because it is being examined, I updated it after the exam ... Let's restore it first ... Continue the code word tomorrow .... Mihaha ...]
