Chapter 5 Go to school again!No way!Intersection

Lindi looked at everyone who gathered together and said slowly, "Our occupant of Asla has been appointed Searching for the Taikoo Heritage [Dark Book] and attacked the magician." Then he began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task, and then began the distribution task.Lindy suddenly smiled, "By the way, in order to protect the Naita sauce, the headquarters will be located near Naiye's house."

"Hey !!" Naiye looked at Lindy in surprise and excitedly raisedI made a happy gesture with both hands, and suddenly I realized that Qian Mi was not in Asla, and asked curiously, "Well? What about Qian Mi Brother?"
"It's helpless, since Lindy's face, since being called by a mercury lamp, Lindy has a strange strange thinking that Mo Min has a strange and strange thinking.

"Ah ... I'm going to do business, how can I say to play!" Suddenly there was a sound of thousands of fantasy dissatisfaction in the space, and then Qian Mi came out of the space.Oh! Naiye! "

" Hmm ... Thousands of fantasy brother! "Naiye greeted Qian Mi happily, and suddenly saw the mercury lamp in Qian Mi's arms.Brother Qian Mi ... What are you in your arms? "

" Do you mean Xiaoshui! "Qian Mi doting the mercury lamp in front of himself," Naeya sauce, Xiao Shui is my daughter!"

" Oh ... daughter ... hey !!! "Naiye was suddenly thundered by thousands of fantasy words. A pair of big eyes also turned into mosquito coil eyes, and the pigtails were weak.

"Yeah?" Qian Mi looked at the sluggish Naiya, and asked curiously, "What did Na Ye, a mental disappointment?"

"Ah ah! No, no "Naiye shook his little hand in a hurry.

"Oh ..." Qian Xi didn't think much about it, just greeted and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" When Qian Qian fantasy was about to leave, Lindy shouted Qian Mi, looking at Qian Mi's doubtful eyes, Lindy smiled strangely, "Magic Sauce, as if it seemed likeYou have n’t been in school for a year, so it ’s not a good child!"

Thousands of magic suddenly eyes and a dark eyes, looking at Lindy, stuttering, "... Shouldn't it be, not so, shouldn't you?Yes ... "

" Yes! "Lindy looked at Qian Shi with a smile, saying" You. I.> "You killed me!" Qian Mi said helplessly, the mercury lamp looked at the depressed Qian fantasy, and the little hand gently pulled the thousand -fantasy clothing corner, "Father, Master ..."

"What is the matter? Xiao Shui ... "Qian Mi was reluctant to look at the mercury lamp.

"That ... that ..." The small face of the mercury lamp flushed, and seeing Qian Mi seemed to have the courage, "going to school is good ..."



"Wow is really close to my house!" Naiye and Fit lying on the balcony, Naiye pointed at Cuiwu and said, "Na ~ Fit is Cuiwu."

"It's really good" Fate sighed, and a knock sounded, Naiye and Fit quickly ran out of the door, but when the door openedEssence

"You guys! We are here" Alice looked at the two of Naiye happily, and Ling La watched Fit, "The first meeting ... Although it is a bit strange, it is obviously seen in the video email a lot.Times. "

" Hmm ... "Fit nodded," However, I am still happy to see you, Elisa, Ling Light "

" Fit ... have you come to friends?Lindy said slowly in front of a few people.

"Hello" Elisa and Ling Lapi asked Linti politely.

"Hello, are you, is Ling Lap and Elisa?"

"Yes ..." Alice said puzzledly.

"Do you know us?" Ling Laoling asked curiously?

"Yeah!" Lindy nodded with a smile, "I have read the email you sent, and you know one of my sons ..."

"Really?"Ling Lapa said curiously.

"We might as well drink some tea together," Lindy looked at Naiye with a smile.

"It's better to go to the Cuiya I opened in my house." Naiya asked to invite Lindi and others to meet in his own house.

"Yeah!" Lindy patted his head suddenly, "When the magic son sauce lives in Nae's house, I have not visited Na Ye's parents!Change your clothes and shout the magic son sauce by the way. After all, you all seem to be classmates! "

" It's a beautiful person "Ling Ling watched Lindi, who was going to change clothes, Alice was curiousAsked Fett, "Is she a mother of Fit?"

"Well ... that ..." Fit's face flushed slightly, "Now ... not ..."


"You Nuojun has not seen you for a long time for a long time"Ling Laoling happily stroked Mo, and Alice on the side held the smaller Alph, and said with a puzzled face," I always feel like I have seen you? Is it me so more?

At this moment Lindy came over with a depressed thousands of fantasy, "Let you wait for a long time!"

" Ah!Intersection"Alice pointed at Qian Mi in surprise,"! "!IntersectionPuppet girl!Intersection"

" Ah pull ~ I haven't seen it for a long time, Ling Lap Sauce."Qian Xian quickly got rid of the decadent state and greeted Ling Light with happiness, completely ignoring Alsha.

" Damn! "I ignored me!Intersection"Elisa was ready to rush up, and suddenly saw the mercury lamp in Qian Mi's arms, and laughed mysteriously," Ah! "Pseudo -mother male learning to play dolls!"

" Cut ~!"Thousands of fantasy leaned his lips," The violent mother still has not changed!"

" What do you say!Intersection"Elisa rolled up his sleeve and was about to rush up, but was held by Ling Laoling to death." Elisa sauce, don't be impulsive! ""

At this time, Taozi and Shiro also came over. Taozi saw Qian Mi, and said in surprise," Ah, it's a thousand fantasy! ""Then I ran over and rubbed my thousand fantasies with my face.Therefore, in the future, I will live nearby for a while, please teach more "

" Ah, where can you ask you to take care of it "Tao Zi is happy to return.

"Speaking of which, Fit Sauce is also in the third grade of elementary school?Where to go to school?"Shiro asked curiously.

" Well, actually ... "When Lindy was about to say, Lindy's things arrived, Lindy took things and handed it to Fit," Open it? ""

Fit slowly opens the box, a school uniform of Shengxiang Primary School is placed in the box, Fit looked at the school uniform in surprise," This is ... "
" PhilippinesSpecial sauces also have to go to school too!Intersection"

[Really busy these days .... Haha ....]
