Chapter 2 Sun Flower Field

In 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was completely controlled by the magic, began to provoke a new round of war with the help of the Magic Legion.The land that can survive is filled with countless war fires ... Until a man, known as the ghost of the ashes, he ended the rule of Toyotomi Hideyoshi with his partners.Monster.

"Elder Elder! Elder!" Zi hugged Liu Xi to rush into Bayun's family, and even rushed in without even taking off his shoes.

"What's wrong ... Xiao Zi?" The elderly watched the purple that was panting because of the rushing run, "What's wrong?"
"That ... Thousands of Magic him… He didn't wake up for a few days! "Zi looked helplessly at the elder.

Because Zi decided to adopt the baby Liu Mi, the elder also gave Liu Mi a more meaningful name.The descendants, and the countless energy in the young body is constantly changing, so Ba Yun Qian Mi has become a new name of Liu Mi, and Liu Mi is temporarily fell asleep due to the excessive force in the body, but the purple is not the purple, but the purple is not notKnowing, so hurriedly come to the elder for help ...

"Don't worry ..." The elderly observed the willow fantasy carefully, no ~ should be a peaceful smile after a thousand fantasies, "Little LittleThousands of fantasies are just sleeping because a few of our old guys joined forces to perform for you, and the body is too small temporarily that I can't bear the strength of this degree.
"Great ..." Hearing the elder's words, Zi anxious little face finally showed a smile, and Zi gently rubbed his cheeks with his cheeks.> …………………………………………………………………………………………………

1720, autumn, weather, weather, weatherQing

The 122 -year -old Thousands of Magic sitting on the gap and watching humans on the ground is already a must -do every day.

"Boring ... For this kind of world without computers and anime ..." Qian Mi lying lazily on the gap and looked at the ground unsatisfactory.The border of the middle and far from the border of people 'to solve the balance between monsters and human beings has been close to home for a month. Although this month, thousands of fantasies have finally no longer needed to replenish any knowledge, but the thousand fantasies that are idle at once are leisurely.Instead, it is even more boring ...

"Find a place to sleep well!" In desperation, Qian Mi poured into the gap in the gap to find the benefits of sleeping.


"Wow~ A lot of sunflowers ... "From the gap, Qian Fantasy found that there was such a large sunflower field in the deserted place. The thousand fantasy was measured.I gently found a piece and won't press it on the land of the sunflower to lie down. Feel the fragrance of flowers in the air, close my eyes and close my eyes, suck it hard, and then exhale."The taste of happiness ..."

The quiet time is always fast, and soon the sun begins to sink, and Qian Mi also wakes up from sleep. Thinking that if you go back late, the elder is the elder, but the elder is, butThose who will make myself make up for the etiquette lesson. I had no choice but to stand up and watch the sunflower in the mountains. "Although I can't bear it, I still have to go back first. I will continue here tomorrow!Welcome to me! "

After that, Qian Mi opened a gap at hand, and disappeared after watching the dazzling field before closing.A shadow came to the place where Qian Mi lying down just now, and then lay down in the place where Qian Mi just lay down ...


In the early morning of the next morning, after Qian Mi completed the homework under the elders early, it slipped out. VeryFast thousand fantasy rushed to the sunflower field of yesterday. The thousands of fantasy door came to the position of yesterday, but it seems that there are already here ...

A white shirt, red plaid vest and long skirtThe short -haired girl was lying in the Qianxian place yesterday, and her exquisite face made Qian Mi dazed, and then she remembered that she was here to sleep. This girl occupied her position, and she was all around.When she was going to break the flower field, she had to leave depressed to leave. When she was turning and preparing to leave, a cold female voice stopped Qian Mi.

"Why don't you find a place to sleep casually ..."

Thousands of fantasy looked back in surprise, the girl lying on the ground was open with a pair of bright red pupils and stared at the magic, thousands of fantasySlightly embarrassing explained, "That ... I didn't deliberately disturb your sleep ... I'm sorry ..."
"Why don't you sleep in a place ..." The girl ignored the explanation of thousands of fantasies, justAsk Qian Qian again again.

"Hey ..." Qian Mi thought about it, and then showed a warm smile, "Because it will be pressed to flowers ... Everything in this world has life, maybe it can't speak, but since it exists with this worldThen it must have life ... "

" Do you like flowers very much ... "The short -haired girl heard a little smile on the corner of the mouth, and the eyes stared at Qian Fantasy tightly.

"It's not the kind of love ..." Thousands of fantasy touched his head embarrassedly, and then sucked his breath hard. "I can only say that I like this kind of nature.At the beginning, only the sunflower leaned to the sun ... "Qian Xuan suddenly remembered the introduction of sunflowers he had seen, and looked at the short -haired girl in front of him with a smile.… "

" What is your name, little monster? "The short -haired woman looked at the thousand fantasies with a smile, and suddenly spoke.

"... uh ..." When I heard the short -haired girl, I was shocked about the identity of my own identity. I was silent for a long time and said slowly. "That ... how do you know that I am a monster?How? "

" Because I am also a monster ... "The short -haired girl smiled and looked at the dull thousand fantasy girl gently," It seems that your age is still too young, you are too young, you are too young, you are too young, you are too young, you are too young, you are too young.Can't you see that I am also a monster? "

" ... "It seems like what the girl in front of me says that it becomes the monster too short.The same is the same as the monster, and Qian Mi had to shake his head awkwardly.

"You haven't answered my question yet, the little monster ... you call ..."
"That ... the first meeting, my name is Ba Yun Qian Mi, please advise ..." Qian Xian hurriedTo introduce yourself, for the girl who sees through her identity at a glance, it is obviously longer than her own time. The longer the monsters who live longer have their own sites, for foreigners ... Thousands of fantasy watched the corner of the mouth in front of the mouth with the corner of the mouth and carrying the mouth in front of the mouth with the mouth of the mouth and carrying.A smile of a smile.

As if knowing what Qian Mi is thinking, the girl said slowly, "Don't worry, I won't let you make fertilizer ... because they all say you are a good person ..."

"They they? "

The girl gently stroked MO to the sunflowers next to MO," It's they ... don't you think they have life ... "
" Hey! ~ "Thousands of fantasy surprisesLooking at the girl who was stroking Mo in front of her, "So, these sunflowers are all life!"

"Do you don't know if there is a flower monster ..." The girl looked curiously surprisedThousands of fantasies, "What about a child ..."

"Uh ..." A black line flashed on Qian Mi's head, "I don’t know, I'm really sorry ..."

"YouYou can come here at any time ... "The girl slowly stood up and supported the parasol alone," They all like you very much ... "

Looking at the girl who left, Qian Xuan suddenly remembered that she hadn't asked the girl yetThe name, shouted by the girl who hurried towards the departure, "That ... your name is ..."

"The wind see the fragrance ..."

[~~ say ... there are still 3 daysThe exam ... Why are I still so anxious? Ah ... forget it ... please ask for a vacation ... After the test is on the test ...]
