Chapter 12 The crisis is coming

"The curse of the gods?" Zi said in surprise.

"Hmm ..." Qian Mi nodded with a smile, "When I was still En Qidu, the gods can say that in order to prevent the dispersal of divineness, I have a small chance of making women pregnant ... Although I am meLater, it was reincarnated, but because of the decision of divinity, Elia's chances of conceiving were very small ... "

" It turns out ... "Zi nodded," That ... "

"? "?What's wrong? Sister? "

" Well ... nothing! "Zi shook his head," Where are you going now? "
" Oh ... there are still some things here are not done, Ai AiLya, you and your sister first live in my mother. I go back to deal with it ... "Qian Mi looked at Eria nodded, and left with the mercury lamp, and did not notice the cunning smile in Elia's eyes at all.


Thousands of magic memoriesAfter finishing the table, I fell asleep lazily. After all, I didn't have to care about the content of these primary schools at all.He was shaking himself hard, and said in depression, "Na Ye ... what's wrong ..." Qian Xi found that Naiye just stared ahead, Qian Xi looked around, everyone looked at themselves and looked at the podium and then looked at the podium and then looked at the podium., Thousands of fantasies can't help but look down (really! What's going on), "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, "Sister! ... What do you ..."

The podium stood on the podium.In the arms of Qian Mi, "Who is called Thousand Magic to come here ... People want to be with Qian Xian ..."

Thousands of magic look at the purple in his arms, just want to say something, Zi SuddenAfter being picked up, Qian Mi looked at it depressed. Elia didn't know when to stand next to her. Elia was teaching Zi. "Sister, now it is in class, it will give Qian Qianqian.The fantasy brings trouble ... "

Looking at Zi dissatisfied, he nodded, Elia nodded with satisfaction, and then walked to the podium with purple, and to the The fantasy brings trouble ... "

Looking at Zi dissatisfied, he nodded, Elia nodded with satisfaction, and then walked to the podium with purple, and to the dumb everyone JuBow, "Hello ... I am a thousand fantasy wife, Elia Tystrisa, this is the sister of the Thousand Fantasy, Zi Tenstrisa, please give me more ..." After talking, I ignoredThe dazed crowd sitting next to the thousand fantasy with purple ...

Thousands of fantasy smiled embarrassingly, but kept crying in my heart (what's going on !!!)

br> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lindi just watched himself claiming to claimIt is Eria, the wife of Qian Mi, and the same purple that is exactly the same as Qian Mi.Is it another mother that Qian Mi finds me? "Zi looked at Lindy curiously.

"Lindy Harlowin" Lindy introduced herself with a smile, and looked at Zi, and suddenly hugged Zi constantly rubbing.The color and pupil color are not the same, really! The more cute you look !! "
" Cough ... Mom ... "Qian Mi said awkwardly, pulling up Elia's little hand," This is meHis wife, Elia ... "

" Elia Thamtrisa has seen his mother ... "Elia quickly gave Lindy a gift.

"Tenstrisa ..." Lindy watched the embarrassing thousands of magic, "Sure enough, what's the matter with the magic son sauce hiding from us ..."

"… Ahaha ... "Qian Mi smiled awkwardly," That ... they are going to live here for a while ... "

" No problem! "Lindi quickly agreed, and then held purple again.The grind.

"How is it possible ... Brother Qian Mi is married !!!" Na Ye's eyes have become mosquito coil eyes, and the two small braids are weak.

"... Tenstrisa ..." Fit just paid attention to Elia's name, and it seemed that there seemed to be nothing to say.


"Bang!""A huge sound was shocked to the people who were working, and saw that Elia walked out of the kitchen embarrassing," That ... I'm sorry ... my cooking skills are still not enough ... "

" Forget it ...Come on ... "Qian Mi stood up and stood up, and he walked in with Elia.

One hour later

"Everyone ... eat first ..." Qian Mi and Elia put a lot of dishes on the table, and they were immediately attracted by the dishes on the table.It's right.

"It's so fragrant ~ I don't think of Qian Fantasy and there is such a good craft ..." Lindi praised Qian Mi.

"Oh ... it's delicious ~ I like the taste of the hometown!" Zi secretly pinched a piece and tasted the taste, and then said happily.

After hearing the purple words, everyone couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and put the vegetables and put it in the mouth. After a while, everyone ushered in the most terrible moment of their lives. I saw that everyone fell one after another ...


I quickly made a meal in the thousand fantasyLater, the people slowly came from the meal and hell, and Lindy patted her chest with her heart, and looked at Qian Mi, "Magic Sauce ~ Don't think about cooking next time!"

"That's ... that kind of taste ..." Kronor was ready to say, and suddenly turned his eyes again, "No! I want to lie down ..."

"It's terrible ..." Aimei sat up tremblinglyBody, watching two different meals that are completely different in Qian Mi, "Please do not think about something else next time!"

Everyone thinks about one thing in the same way now, that is, that is, that is, that is, that isDon't let Qian Shi think about things when cooking.


"Sorry ...Blame me! "Chardling was crying sadly.

"Bang!" Higano hated holding the wall with his hands. "Don't blame you ... I'm just blaming myself ... The legs of the wind are not a disease at all, but the curse of [Dark Book] ..."

" You must save her ... "Several people of Higano suddenly looked towards the source of the sound, and saw Vita bowing their heads, shaking their shoulders, and shouted loudly," Must must beSave the wind !! "

" Hmm ... "Higano nodded hard," I swear in the name of the knight! "

[Chapter 2!IntersectionAhhaha ................................................
