1 2 3 ta hua zuo liao shan mai

At this time, a graceful and luxurious woman came out of the car, wearing huge tea -colored glasses on her face, and her expression went into the carriage indifferently. The man and a woman also followed the train.

After the three of them got on the bus, the train slowly started. The trainer welcomed and said, "I'm sorry, the shop is full during the Spring Festival, and the three of them go to the train room."

The woman frowned inadvertently, and the male sunglasses immediately said, "Let them free up a box."

The trainer said helplessly: "All spend money to buy tickets and get on the car,Who wants to make me. "

Female sunglasses are even more sturdy, go directly to the nearest box door."There are only three people here, why are you full?" The female sunglasses asked the trainee aggressively.

The trainer is speechless. The passengers in this box are sent by the staff of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee. Specifying to give them a separate box, let alone just three people, so they just have three people.I didn't even buy a ticket.

"Please cooperate, can you change the seat?" The politeness said in the mouth of the male sunglasses, but his hand stretched directly to Bai Na's travel bag, ready to help her move things.

"Why?" Bai Na held down his travel bag, and Vice Mayor Sun was also angry and stood up and drank, "What are you doing?"

Although there are more than forty more than 40Flowers, but Vice Mayor Sun still wanted to show his bloody side in front of the young girl.

"What happened to you to change your seat?" The male sunglasses came in straight, pushing Deputy Mayor Sun on the seat.

"Young people, don't manipulate your feet." A big iron -like hand grabbed the right hand of the male sunglasses.Dare to act.

The trainer rushed to the seat in time, saying that he had been transferred out of the seat. Please ask the guest to go to the seat.People left, and the train had apologized to the three guests in the box and closed the door for them.

"It's too bad, who are they, so arrogant?" Vice Mayor Sun was unhappy.

Hu Yuejin smiled indifferently: "Xiaobai, do you know who they are?"

Bai Na said: "See this style to know who is, the Xuanwu Group is behind the scene,Chen Runing's original wife, Mai Augi. "

The deputy mayor of Sun was shocked. He was a very deputy mayor who ranked behind.Mai Kangmei, isn't that the elder sister of Governor Mai, obediently, today he was strong and strong. He did not expect to offend the big man.

Four hours later, the train arrived at the Jiangbei Railway Station. On the platform, an Audi sedan with a license plate of the municipal party committee stopped. After the train stopped, the trainer did not open the door and waited for Mai to resist the United States.The three got off the train and boarded the Audi Yang, and then opened the door to let the passengers get off.

Hu Yuejin was calm after seeing it, but Bai Na screamed exaggeratedly: "The tentacles of Xuanwu Group are so long."

This time, Vice Mayor Sun Xuebai,No longer express opinions.

After getting out of the train, Bai Na declined the kindness of Vice Mayor Sun sent his car to send himself. He took a car and went to the city -level organs' guest house to live.With the recording pen, go to the Red Flag Steel Factory for an interview


The Municipal Public Security Bureau, Forensic Inspection and Anatomy Center, Chen Runing's wife, Mai Kangmei, accompanied by the staff of Xuanwu Group, went to the office,Coincidentally, Qin Song, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Han Siqing, the director of the Secretary of the Municipal Legal Committee, also visited the center to inspect. Secretary Qin and Director Han condolences to President Chen's widow, and made instructions, broke the case as soon as possible, checked the water and went out of the water.Dotted, thanked the leaders of the municipal party committee for their care, and expressed their believe in the detection capacity of Jiangbei police.

Chen Raning's body was delivered from the underground mound. When Mai Kangmei saw her husband's body, she finally lost her emotions and was in a lot of sadness. Although Chen Runing was born with a romantic appearance, she was marriedLater, there are few lace news, which is quite loyal to his wife. The husband and wife have a good relationship. Now the husband is just a matter of adolescent, but you can let the Mai August collapse.

Crying was shocking, and the staff of Xuanwu Group cried. Even Secretary Qin and Director Han were infected by the sad atmosphere, and the handkerchief gently wiped the corner of his eyes.

After crying for a while, Mai Kangmei's eyes were swollen like two peaches. She made two requirements to Secretary Qin. One was not to dissect the body, and the other was to send the corpse back to the provincial capital.

Secretary Qin and Director Han exchanged their opinions to express their understanding and consent.

Mai Kangmei and his party left the inspection anatomy center. Chen Runing's body was sent back to the underground mortar room.Forensic doctors put on masks and gloves, picked up the shining surgical knife, and opened a mouthful on the girl's chest. The bloody water penetrates into the bottom of the anatomical bed and converges into a dark red stream. The girl's pale face is asleep.Allow the forensic doctors to take out their heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidney.


The snow on the urban road has melted, but the situation on the suburban road is much more serious.The car crawled slowly, forming a long dragon.

Bai Na is boringly sitting in a taxi. The driver talked a few words from time to time with a car radio and colleagues. Occasionally mentioned the words of the Red Flag Iron Factory.Know the Hongqi Factory? "

The driver master said," Girl, listen to your accent, and no one knows the matter of the Hongqi factory. "

" YesWhat do you know? "

" I, you can ask the right person, the younger brother of my three -sister classmates is in the Red Flag Factory, listening to him, the female boss of the Red Flag FactoryThere are more species than the old men. The hot iron water can jump down without blinking. I want to say that the government is really fucking. Who is the second -generation company that is opened?You can still expect any future in your hand. He was fucking for a month and forced several households in the factory to break people. Is this still a person! "

Suddenly the driver's master saw Bai Na's recorder in his hand and stopped quickly.Don't talk about your mouth.

"Master, then say."

"Are you a reporter?"
"Yeah, I'm a reporter from the Provincial Newspaper."

"So what, I also listened to others, it’ s not true, it ’s not true.” What does Bai Na say, the driver is no longer mentioning this.

The car arrived at the entrance of Hongqi Factory, Bai Na paid the fare. The driver said that there was no **, flying like flying, and Bai Na walked towards the factory door, but found that the door of the Hongqi factory no longer exists.There is only a small shed built on the open space with two rods to stop the car. The gatekeeper heard that she was a reporter from the provincial newspaper to interview the generals of the Wei, and enthusiastically pointed out the position of the workshop and the temporary office.

Bai Na took the SLR camera out of his neck and walked towards the office building. One year ago, she interviewed the Red Flag Factory, but the original factory area and the current scenes of the soreWhere is this like a factory? It is clearly the broken wall after the bombing.

In front of the office building in the past, under the wall of the granite, countless steel ingots were placed, and the shape was rolling and looked weird. Under the mountains, it was a white sea of flowers.

Bai Na picked up the camera suspiciously and took a few photos, and then went straight to the oxygen top of the postal place to blow the furnace workshop. I interviewed several workers who just changed their shifts in the workshop.The reporter came to interview the deeds of the President Wei, and suddenly surrounded, and the seven -mouth tongue talked., Bai Na felt shocked and moved by never before. When it comes to emotion, the workers were crying, and Bai Na felt sour nose and shed tears.

The interviewing people have been coming to get off work, and Bai Na rushed to the temporary office of the factory to interview the leaders. The leaders spoke more and more stable. And the performance of Wei Shumin's performance after serving as the main leader of the factory. When talking about the matter of the day, the leaders sighed and said that he did not expect that President Wei was so fierce that he was fighting with death. Freshmen, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government stopped the reorganization of Xuanwu Group in time. The audience adhering to the legacy of the President Wei, and the hard and snow that was unsatisfactory for ten years. The highest record of the factory for more than 50 years!

Speaking of which, several leaders choked, Bai Na also wet her eyes and asked, "Where is President Wei's memorial service held, I want to give the hero a fragrant fragrance."

The leader said: "President Wei has been integrated with the Hongqi Factory. The steel ingots made of the steel water she donated by her body will always stand in the center of the Red Flag Factory."

Bai Naji realizedThe original pile of steel ingots turned out to be the incarnation of President Wei.

I said goodbye to the factory leader. The sky was already dark. Bai Na hurriedly walked towards the door of the factory. Suddenly a dark fragrance on the side of the road came, a proud snow plum.This branched plum folded down, walked in front of the pile of steel ingots, and saw two old workers who were white, and took out an aluminum rice box wrapped in a towel from her arms and put it on the ground.The new bag of dumplings, amaranth pork stuffing, eat while hot. "

Saying, the old workers raised their sleeves and wiped their eyes, Bai Na noticed that in addition to the box of dumplings, the steel ingot was also placed on the steel ingot.With a variety of stainless steel, plastic lunch boxes, enamel tanks, and full of foods.

Bai Na gently put the plum on the ground and bowed three bows. Then she turned away and walked out of a hundred meters away. She couldn't help looking back.Turned into the majestic Kunlun Mountain.