Chapter IV, Church of the Holy King


Ang and DianaCome to the hall, because today is the first day they entered the troops and a brand -new department. The sixth subjects of the mobile phone. Yesterday, two members joined in.After finishing, everyone watched the wind wearing a new uniform, and Naiye and Fit, who were wearing a new uniform.

"I am the section chief and chief of the sixth subjects of the mobile six subjects, and the eight gods and scholarship." Looking at the applause of the crowd underneath, and the ingot said with a smile, "As a guardian of peace and prosperity, the Space and Space Administration Bureau of the Space and Space AdministrationForces, solving various events, and protecting the happiness of people are our mission and our responsibilities. The commander lineup of this experience and strength and the pioneer lineup of young and potential, as well as various professional and technical engineers and logistical logistics.Personnel, I believe everyone will be united and overcome any difficulties !! "
" Ah ... disturb !! "Just when the wind was about to announce the end of the speech, Qian Mi's voice suddenly spread into everyoneIn the ears, everyone curiously looked at the source of the sound. The space of the calm hall was torn apart, and Qian Mi walked out awkwardly, and looked at the stunned everyone with a smile and smiled irresponsible. "It seems that I am not here ... "

" Uh ... "Blast -style headache looked at the response caused by Qian Mi's sudden arrival, embarrassing explanation," This is also a special mobile sixth subject.Commander, Ba Yun Qian Mi ... "

" Please advise !!! "When I heard the 风 指 指 指, Qian Mi smiled and looked at everyone.

"Yes !!"


"Hey ... say that, Naiye, Fit, and Higano are all in the sixth subjects!" After the Blackwind disbanded everyone, he turned to the captain to the lounge and went to Qianqian to Qian Qian.Fantasy illustrates the current situation of the sixth subjects and the positions of Qian Fantasy ...

"Well ~ Oh ..." Slash looked at the surprised Qian Xi with a smile.

"Yes ..." Qian Xi smiled gently, "So, how do you persuade the Space and Space Administration to transfer these levels around S+to a team?"

" This is such a thousand fantasy brother ... "Naiye slowly explained to Qian Fantasy," All captain -level strength is limited to A around A ... "

> "So ..." Qian Mi nodded, and then lay lazily on the sofa. "So ~ I am a mission?"

"Please take care of our new players!Fit looked at the lazy thousands of fantasies with a smile.

"It's really a troublesome task ..."


The thousand fantasies who had been bored all morning finally got up and walked outside. I came to the training ground unknowingly. As soon as I arrived at the training ground, I found that Na Ye was trained to move the mobile six.The new player of Ke, saw this thousands of illusions walking towards Naiye, "Yo! Naiye ..."

"Thousands of Brothers ..." Naiye looked at the easy -going thousands of magic, "DuSay that let Qian Mi Brother come to train, but Brother Qian Mi doesn't know where to go lazy !! "
" Ah haha ... is there ... "Qian Xian touched his head embarrassed, and then his face was serious.Looking at the training screen of the new player, "Well ... is this the new player?"

"Oh ... it's a group of potential children ..." Na Ye also smiled and watched Di, who was working hard to train,Several people.

"But the strength is too bad ..." Qian Xuan complained depressed, completely reluctant to ignore the blue tendons on the forehead of Na Ye, "This strength is too ... how to train this ..."

"Brother Thousand Fantasy !!!" Naiye kept looking at Qian Shi with a smile, but the expression that wanted to tear Qian Xian to make Qian Xi feel inexplicable chill, "Please don't take them with you as a child as a child.Compared to ... !!! "

" Okay ... I know ... "Watching Naiye hurriedly comforted Na Ye,"I will make a plan to improve their strength ~ How about it to me ... "

" This is almost the same ... "Naiye quickly switched to the sun and smiled, letting Qian Xi secretly admire Naiye in his heart.I practiced into a face -changing skills ...

"Now ~ I said ... Naita" looked at the screen of the screen suddenly and asked Na Ye, "I am not here, what happened ..."

" What do you say ... "Na Ye's little face suddenly became serious." Speaking of which, there are indeed unknown events recently ... "

" Oh? "
"The Holy League Stone ... a Swire heritage similar to the holy stone and the" Explorer "..." Naita slowly thought about Qian Xi to say the recent abnormalities, and the reasons for the establishment of the six subjects ...

"Oh ... what ... it seems that there is indeed an unknown enemy ..." After listening to Naiye's words, Qian Shi smiled softly, gently covered his right eyes, looked at the new screen on the screen.The team members finally defeated the simulated pioneer, murmured with the voice that Naiye could not hear, "Whoever ... want to hurt what I want to guard ..."

"Brother Qian Mi, you are here ..." The sound of the wind suddenly interrupted Qian Mi, who was thinking about, and looked up at the screen, and the wind on the screen looked at himself with a smile in a gorgeous office.

"Blasting? What's wrong?"
"The Karim Knight of the Holy King's Church hopes that you can come to the Church of the Holy King ..."
"The Holy KingChurch ??? "

" The Church of the Holy King is different from the Saint Kings Church, which is the local Dimension of Beruka. Its nature is the joint institution of the Holy King Church and the Holy Knights., Multiple functions such as religious institutions and peacekeeping agencies. When establishing the six subjects, the Holy King Church also gave us a lot of support, so Brother Qianmi, I hope you can come ... "

" Okay ... "After listening to the suicide of the wind, Qian Xi nodded, "I will be here ..."


"That ... Carlm" stood at the storm at Calim strangely, just just now, the Breeze talked about the thousand fantasies that he had returned recently,Kalim suddenly asked the wind to invite Qian Mi to come to the Church of the Holy King. Although doubtful, the wind still gave the Qianfang hair message, "Why find a thousand fantasy brother?"
"Nothing, the wind ..."Carolm looked at the doubtful gangsters with a smile, "I'm not malicious, just ask Qian Mijun to confirm one thing ..."


Qian Mijun will know when you are here, please wait patiently, the wind sauce ... "

[唔 ... exit the first chapter of the guild, sure enough, it is a little hand to have a hand ...Well ~~ Forgive me ... I will gradually regain my feelings ~~ above!IntersectionIntersectionIntersectionIntersection】
