The first chapter and 3 days will be hungry without eating

I, Naita Takachi, a third -year ordinary elementary school student in the third grade affiliated to the Private Shengxiang University. After encountering Yonuo Jun, everything becomes wonderful.

"Captain Lindy, a strong dimensional shock in the world on the 97th, and then quickly disappearedHow do you deal with it? "The girls who have been monitoring each of the planes suddenly found that the World No. 97 flashed a strong dimension after a strong dimension.

"Aimei, continue to observe, what do you think, Cleano?" Lindi, who was called the captain by Aimei, turned to ask a little boy who looked 10 years old.

Kluno carefully checked the computer and answered; "It is indeed very abnormal, and the dimensional shock suddenly appears and disappeared., Captain Lindy. "

" Kronor Jun is really not cute, he doesn't call his mother, saying that it is so sad that your mother is so big that the mother is so sad ... oh oh."After speaking, Lindi covered her face with both hands and cried.

"That's it, Klunojun, it's really cold, you see Captain Lindy crying." Ai Mi laughed at Kronor's unhappyly.

Kronor watched the two people crying and couldn't hold the cold face, so he had to say, "Mom ... Mom"
"Nuojun is the cutest. "After hearing Kronor's mother, Lindi happily hugged Kluno in his arms and kept rubbing Kronor's face with his face."The cutest ..."

Kronor struggled to shout at Lindy in Lindy's embrace: "Mom !!! I'm working now !!!"
"I'm really reluctant. "Lindy reluctantly released her face with an unhappy expression," Nackeono, you need to pay more attention to the movement of the No. 97 world "

" I know it, I know"Krono quickly left Lindy, sat down in front of the computer, and began monitoring the No. 97 world.

…………………………… ..97 World .... Earth Minghai City ..................

The peaceful space suddenly strangely draws a crack,A figure fell from the inside (that is, the pig's feet)

"Pain ~~ Finally came out, but where is it?"It started to observe the surroundings.

"Hmm ~~ It is very similar to the earth ~~ 80%is the earth ~~ I don't know if it is the original earth, let's find a place to settle first."A twist, thousands of magic disappeared in place.


"Oh ~~ Is there a small space fluctuation again? It seems that the other party is a proficient spaceWhat about the magician? "Kronor looked at the monitor carefully.

………………… Minghai City ... Shengxiang Elementary School .................

"Is it the future?"Li

"Na ~ Alsha and Ling La sauce have almost decided?" Na Ye turned his head to ask his two good friends.

Elisa picked up the rice ball gently and took a bite and said, "My parents are all running a> "I like mechanics because I like mechanics." Ling Laoling clamped the rice and put it into my mouth. "I want to go to a professional engineering school"

"Really!" Naiye sighed, watching herThe lunch box said, "Both of you are so amazing"

"But Naiye does not go to the coffee house [Cuiya] to help." Alice watched Naiye in doubt
"Well, this, this, thisAlthough it can also be regarded as a future plan ... "Na Ye nodded a little bit" but still feels, there is something I want to do ... but what is not clear, I have no specialties and advantages ... "
"Big >
"Big Idiot" Alice throwing a piece of lemon slices on Naiye's face and said angrily, "Don't say such a thing!"
"Yeah" Ling Lap is also attached to the side and attached to the side."There will be something that only Na Ye can do"

"Let's say" Alice pointed at Na Ye and said, "Besides, isn't your immediately better results than me? What else said nothing?Meaning ??? "After that, Elsa rushed up and pulled Naiye's mouth with his hand, and pulled it out hard.

"Pain ~~ Pain ~~ But I am not good at liberal arts, and sports will not work!" Because of the painful corner of Naiye's eyes, it said.

"Ah ~~ Both of you ... don't do this!" Ling La kept persuading "Don't do this ~~"



After breakfast
"Now, I went to school, dad, mother"After the breakfast, Naiye greeted the family and carried a schoolbag to go to school. When I opened the door to go outside, I found that someone was lying on their door.(Music: Say Qian Fan, you can be hungry in the city, really ...)

(Thousands of Magic: Uh ~~ Isn't this no money ~)

When Naiye was shocked, she ran home and shouted loudly: "Daddy ~~~ Dad ~~ Someone is lying at our door.Seeing "Takamachi rushed to the door and saw the people on the ground, he was frightened (hasn't injured on the surface? Is there no injury?) He came back and immediately picked up the people on the ground and returned home.

"What's going on?" Seeing her husband's peach in a child in worriedly, he asked.

Shiro lying on the floor "There should be no big deal, let me check if he has a dark injury" Si Lang started to check it (no injury, what's going on?)

The person lying on the floor suddenly groaned "Hungry ~~~~~~"

After hearing the teenager, Shiro was deeply stunned (it turned out ....I'm hungry ...) "Ah ~ Taozi ~ I can get some food first, he should be hungry." Shiro who returned to God immediately turned his head and said to Taozi.

"Well, good"

"Hmm ~~~, the fragrance of food ~" The young man lying on the ground suddenly broke away his eyes, a carp jumped up and flew towards the kitchen.Running.

"Woo ~~ I think (really fragrant) ~~" The teenager also stuffed directly into the mouth regardless of whether the food was raw or cooked ...
"Woo ~~ Woo ~~ "The teenager who was still desperately stuffing the food suddenly stopped the movement, and his hands suddenly scratched his necks and scratched it ...
" Naiye, hurry up the cup of water. "Looking at the teenager (it seems to be choking)

"Ah ~~"

Soon Na Ye brought a glass of water to Shiro, Shiro took the water and pressed the boyThen I started to pour him water ...

"Ah ~ I'm saved ~ I am so thankful! I haven't eaten it for 3 days ..." After Qian Xuan replied, he showed a satisfying smile.Later, he began to look at the person who rescued him. The ordinary uncle, very beautiful aunt, and a cute girl with two small braids.

(Where do you see it? ... Eh ~~ This is not Takachi Naita, who is called the tyrant ~) Qian Shi watched Naiya who finally remembered what this was (Magic Girl Nai Nai Nai Nai NaiYe ~~ It seems that there is a place where there is an extraordinary ~~)
"It doesn't matter, there are a lot of food, why do you come out alone, why don't you bring money on your body?" Shilang looked at Qian QianFantasy question.

"Uh ~~ I am depressed ~~ I am traveling alone! I do n’t know how to get lost, I forgot to bring money again, and then I did n’t eat for 3 days ....Uh ~ I just fainted ~ I just smelled the taste of the food.

"Hehe ~~ If you don't mind, keep eating, rest assured that there are many more." Taozi watched Qian Mi laughed and invited Qian Mi.

"Really? It's really grateful ... Oh, right .. My name is Bayun Qian Mi, please advise." Qian Xi said to Taozi grateful.

"No need to be polite, my name is Takachi Taozi" Taozi smiled and pointed at Skiro "This is my husband Takamachi Toro" and said, "This is my youngest daughter TakachiNaita "

Naiye happily stretched out his right hand" My name is Takachi Naiye, please give me more advice. "

Thousands of magic (really cute ~), Back to God to stretch out his hand and hold the hand of Naiye, "Eight Clouds and Thousand Fantasy, please give me more advice."

Naiye looked at the watch: "Aya is not too early, I will go to class first."After speaking, I hurriedly ran out" Thousands of Magic Jun, let's talk about it at night ~~~ "

" Well, good "Thousand fantasy stomachs suddenly gurgled and rang up., Qian Fan looked at Taozi pitifully: "That ... Aunt Taozi ... I'm hungry"

[I was going to sleep ...The world ... so I wrote another chapter ~~ and determine the world ... Finally, I can sleep with peace of mind .. That's it ~ above ~]