Chapter VII chaos ...

Many days have passed soon, and Yin Loli has always been in every day. Not only is it worried about the frost of God's ghosts, but also for the whole class that enlisted tightly, this is not ...

"That ..." Silverly watched the girl who was constantly wiping the long knife in her dormitory, "Demon Dream Sauce ..."

"What ..." I was wiping myself loved the knifeThe demon dream raised his head and stared at the silver loli.

"Ah ... the weather is so good today ..." Yin Loli was frightened by the eyes of the demon dream, and embarrassedly looked at the beautiful sky outside the window.

"Black ..." The Demon Dream looked out of the window, then said coldly, and then wiped his knife again.

The silver loli watched the sky that turned black instantly outside the window, secretly glanced at the dream dream of wiping the knife, "What ... what?"

I heard the question of silver loli, The Demon Dream finally stopped the work in his hand, staring at the silver loli, and only a long time, "Do you want to know?"

"Well ..."
"Apocalypse ..."After a pause, my mind kept tissue language, and said slowly in the eyes of silver loli for a long time, "It's Apocalypse ..."



Silver loli is now a headache because she is going nowEveryone follows. Not only that, the people in the class have always looked at themselves with an inexplicable look, which made Yin Loli a strangeness.

"Oh !!! Silver sauce !!!" Silver Loli, who was thinking, felt a hint of cold, and suddenly turned back, and saw the excited Frost rushing to herself, "Silver sauce! Aunties washedThe railway !!! "

" Ha ?? "Yin Loli looked at the frost from the flying, and the little head didn't understand what the" aunt washed the railway "at all.Silver Loli changes into a warm embrace. As the frost increases, the silver loli immediately feels chest tight. A kind of signal that is about to die quickly into the brain. Silver loli stretched out his small hand and was ready to push the cream.Essence

"Frost !!!" Xuan Xuan looked at the excited frost, covering his face with one hand, and sighed at the sky, "What kind of teacher is this ..."

"That's ... "Dili Ya looked quite agreed with Xuan's words, and his little hand waved," Frost, you can't do that, let go of that loli !!! "
" Ah pull ah ... "The harmonious teacher looked atIn a group of class, I couldn't help covering her forehead with headache. "As a teacher I feel a lot of pressure ..."

Suddenly a book appeared in front of the eyes of harmony, and raised his head in harmony and surprised.This book looks at himself, "Ye Chen classmate ..."

"Give ..."

"Ha?" He took the book handed in harmony in harmony, and immediately looked at it.Looking at Ye Chen, "This ..."

"Very interesting ..."

When he heard Ye Chen's answer, harmonious instantaneous petrochemical, then the cold wind blowing by it, turned into oneThe scattered sand, the book is also dropped, the cover of the book is only 8 words with a few ...

"Look at your sister, I'm a cow!"Intersection"


Just like this, the silver LOLI gradually became familiar with the class, and gradually became friends, but I still didn't understand what it was, but there were some people who had some more wounds every day.Loli faintly found that the Apocalypse must have a connection with himself, and it is not a simple connection ...

"Silver sauce !!" Silver Loli was immediately embraced by a warm embrace.What's the matter ... Frost Sauce ... "

It is the frost that holds the silver. After being defeated by the silver loli, the frost is inexplicably entangled with the silver loli," That, the silver sauce, do you know ...The seal has been the last one ... "

" What seal? "The silver loli was blurred by the edge of the frost, and suddenly the head flashed in the brain, and the uncertainty in the mouth,"Shouldn't it be ... Apocalypse? "

" Yes! Silver sauce is really smart !! "Frost tightly hugged the silver loli," But ... loli is still natural ... Although smart is also good, But ... people still like that kind of mouth habit three non -toxic tongue proud , But ... people still like that kind of mouth habit three non -toxic tongue proud idiot natural @@ ¥%#&%....Watching the frost that I was still thinking about it, "I'm not San Wu, I'm really sorry ...!"
"O! No !!" Frost looked at the angry silver in surprise, Suddenly, I ran to the night Chen who was reading a book.The intimate book and frost's head came into contact, and then ignored the painful frost, slowly walked to the ceremony, "at night ..."

"Well ..."Ready ... "

" Sacrifice? "

" Oh ... "The sacrifice shot his forehead," It's still a decisive sacrifice ... "

"I have ... "

" You have? "The sacrifice watched the Ye Chen who never spoke much, (I never thought Ye Chen would ...)

" Give ... "Ye Chen took itA mysterious item was handed over to the sacrifice. The silver loli on the side saw that she looked at Ye Chen with redness, and pointed at the mysterious item, "You ~ You ~ How can you have that kind of thing ... No!I want to go harmoniously !!! "After that, I was going to grab that item, but I was caught by the frost when I ran halfway. The silver loli looked at the frost puzzled, and I saw the frost and smiled at the silver loli., "No ... this is the most important part of ..."

"But ... but ..." Watching the silver loli still wanted to distinguish, the frost said gently in the ear of the silver loli, "I have passed todayIn the evening, you are always friends with everyone ... "

" But ... "Yin Loli looked at the items in the hand of the festival, and looked at the frost of the smile, put down the small hand, dissatisfiedSmoked his mouth, "But ... h or something ... hate ..."

"Oh ... tolerate, my 40 million ladies ..." Shuang looked at Yin Loli.

"Okay ..." Yin Loli looked at the mysterious items in the hands of the sacrifice for a long time, and said unwillingly, "Just once ..."

Mess ...~~ Hey ......]
