Chapter 7 Hot Spring and First Seeing

Qian Xi looked at the depression of the book that recorded the magic of space.

Suddenly Qian Mi felt a violent time fluctuations from Naiye, "Oh ... it seems that Naiye has already handed over with Fate."On the scene, "Naita ... melting Fitt's heart will rely on you!"

Qian Xian seems to think of something suddenly happy, (it seems that I have to see it tooThis future tyrant's pet concubine ~~ Hehe ~~ I really look forward to it ...) As early as Fett came to the entire thousands of world fantasies in the world No. 97, the entire space of the world No. 97 was locked.The fantasy has remembered the unique time fluctuations on Fit.

"Time and Space Magic is really a good skill." Thousands of magic sighed while sighed the benefits of time and space magic, while drawing a space crack and walked in.


Just Fitter stared at the scenery outside the window silentlyAt that time, a sound came from behind.

"Cough ... cough .. Good evening .. Cute Miss"

Fit hurried back to look at the source of the sound, but saw that Elfa did not know when he fainted,A thousand fantasy with the same color pupils as herself stood there, "Who are you?" Fit raised Barudi and pointed at Qian Mi, and his eyes stared closely at the sudden appearance.

"Oh ... I am the brother of the little girl you met today, of course, you can also call my brother !!" Qian Mi touched my nose embarrassingly, watching Fit heard what he said what he said,Instead, when I was even more nervous, I couldn't help but speak: "Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you ... just ... just ... see you"

"Look ??? What are your purpose?" I don't knowWhen did Alfu wake up? The huge 'dog' is in front of Fit and asked carefully.

"You?? There was any injuries on your body." Thousands of magic did not ignore Alf's words, but instead stared at Fate for a long time.

"Speak again, who are you? What purpose is there?" Alf looked nervously at the thousand fantasies (after all, you can faint yourself silently, in case Fate is malicious .....) Alf thought that this could no longer hold his fear and rushed towards Qian Mi.

"Ning" with thousands of fantasies, Alfa fluttered into Qian Fantasy's body, and was strangely quiet in the air. "I said, I'm not here, don't be nervous ~~" Qian QianFanta looked at Fate, who was like a big enemy, smiled bitterly.

"First of all, I introduce myself, my name is Ba Yun Qian Mi, please teach more"

"Fit -Thamtrisa"

With the eyes of Fit's alertness (it seems that Fit’s guilty is really heavy ~~) When he thought of it, he said, "This time I just came to see you, can you listen to me? Wait for you to meet me againWhen my sister, can I stop and listen to her? "

" Solution "Thousand fantasy players waved, and Alf fell off the air and flew to Fit a spell," This is thisWhen you endanger you, you can use it to find me, as long as you burn it, then that's it, goodbye, the lonely child ... Fett -Tystrosa "The space distorted disappeared into the room.

"Fit, you're okay!" Alfs hurriedly asked Fet in a hurry after getting up.

"I'm fine, Alf" Fit put down the magic instrument, smiled towards Elf, and looked at the place where Qian Mi just disappeared to speak to himself: "Silence .."


Back to Asla's thousand fantasies began to think about what she said just now (lonely .... I don't know how my sister is now ...)

………………………… .. TimeDial to Fantasy Township ………………………………………………

Recently, the library often traveling to the Red Devil Museum, which makes a certain dew villain feel veryUnexpectedly, it can be said that the Lingmeng of Lingmeng, the most unmotisfactory axillary witch in the history of the life habits of purple, is wondering.Shooting Maruwen is also very interested in Zi's abnormal situation. He can even hear that Shooting Maruwen murmured while walking, "News ~~~ Absolutely ~ Absolutely big news ~~~~ "

In short ... Fantasy Township almost did not remember the only male monsters in the fantasy village, the eight clouds and thousands of magic ~~~
[Fan Yin: Thousands of fantasies, you have no sense of existenceI ...]

[Thousand Fantasy: ... I just have no sense of existence ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... have a circle of painting circles ~~~~~]



Elisa and Ling Lapi came out of the hot spring and were walking in the corridor.

"Hi ~~ Little guys

Women laughed and walked straight towards Naiye. "It's you, do things to our children"

Women carefully looked at Na Ye and said, "It looks like it is not smartIt's not amazing, but you can see that it is very nervous. "

Elisa suddenly rushed to Naita to protect Naita and ask:" Na Ye, do you know her? "

"Well ~ Don't know" Naiye shook his head in confusion.

When he heard Naita's words, Alice shouted loudly to the woman: "She doesn't seem to know you, which one are you?"
"Hmm!" The woman snorted inexplicablyWhen they stared at Naiye, they suddenly laughed; "Hahaha ~~~" The three of the Naiye were confused with a sudden laughter.

I saw the woman scratching her head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry ~ I seem to recognize the wrong person, because a child I know is very similar to you.A breath: "What ~~ It turns out that this is the case."

"Ah ~~ Kawaii ~~ It's a semimonia ~"
"Well ~ yes"

"Awesome, it's awesome, let me touch" The woman reached out and touched the ferret.

"Just say hello just now." Suddenly the woman's nervous nerves made Na Ye relax again, "Give you a faithful, just play with children obediently, just run, runIt's too far away, but it's dangerous. "

After that, I do n’t wait until Naiba’ s replies."So go soak again ~~~~"

"What ~ That person ~ What seems to be a mistake! It's just a drunk ~~~" Alice angrily pointed at the direction of the woman's departure.Initial temper.

(Naiye ...)

(Hmm .... That person)

……………………………………… ..

"Hey ~ Fit, I am an Elph" Woman is soaked in the hot spring and suddenly passed to Fit to read wordsEssence

"I have seen it just now, the girl in the white dress"

"It is not Fit’s opponent at all, but that person is very tricky ~ "

" "Is there any progress here, and the location of the next holy stone species can be determined.Can be captured. "

" Nice ~ Fit .. It is indeed my master ~ "

" Thank you, see at home at night "

> "OK"

"Eight Clouds and Thousand Fantasy ~ Who are you?" Fit silently looked up at the sky with Elph.

[............ I just woke up today's Chapter 3 ................ I have to go to eat and wait ... try to pass one at nightZhang ... That's it ... above]
