Short story, don't want to touch my sister!(middle)

"Where do you wear such a shame !!!"

Qian Xianmian looked at Shi Hui angrily, Shi Hui was angry and refuted Qian, "No! This is just ordinary onesOkay! "

" What !!! "Thousands of magic suddenly gone away," Don't wear socks! Wear this skirt with more than 10cm away from the knee, but it has gone since elementary school !!! Where are you going?!!! Hurry up !!! "

" I don't remember that kind of thing !! "

" If you want to go out like this, step by on my body.!!! "Qian Xi looked at Shi Hui angrily ...

" I'm going out! "

Heart and Ji Berris watched the porch that was originally a bunch of mosaicThe object of the object can't bear ...


"The recent Shi Hui is really rebellious!" Qian Mi sighed.

Ji Berry seems to have thought of something, with a pistol in his right hand, "Unpredictable going out ... change of interest ... Women's charm is full ... there must be a man ... ah !!! Brother!!!!!What happened to you !!! "Thousands of magic instantly became gray -white.

Then I ran towards the door. "Brother will not admit it !!!"
"" Brother is so anxious, so I am so anxious to go out to buy things.Can I go out if I go out? "By played.

"This is obviously not in a hurry to go out to buy things! Sister Heart !!! You have to be a bit limited !!" By Ji Rie

When Qian Mi opened the door,Qian Mi accidentally hit someone, and Qian Mi hurriedly pulled the figure into her arms, and found that it was the girl who often came.Handsome ...] As soon as the girl was about to speak, she found that Qian Shi was no longer going to go. The girl looked at Qian Xuan who was leaving happily.Looking at the girl who is in a fantasy, [another person who is cheated by his brother's handsome appearance ...]


Shihui stood at the door of the station and looked at the bustling crowd.There will be something immediately!IntersectionIt's just ...]

"Why did it become like this !!" Shi Hui stood up and stared at all the older people in front of the station and wanted to cry without tears.

"Ah pull ... this child is so cute!" A middle -aged woman said with a kind way, and then many years of housewives and grandmother and old grandparents surrounded Shi Hui.

"The balls I bought there are delicious! Let's eat some!"
"This is also some!"
"The granddaughter is also as cute as you! "

When a grandfather stroked Shi Hui, he stroked the ball of eating balls, Qian Mi rushed, and saw the scene in front of him a thousand fantasies.As soon as he was black, he shouted suddenly, "Even if you make a boyfriend, this age is too big !!!"
"Brother !!"
"Me!? "Shi Hui was dragged with a shame with a shame, and Qian Mi returned immediately," Brother is worried that his sister is righteous !! "

" I am no longer a child!!!!"

" But !! "Qian Xi pointed at the old grandfather who did not know the truth," I don't want such a brother -in -law! "
"It's ... "Shi Hui pursed his mouth," In short, I won't go home with my brother! "

Thousands of magic sighs depressed," Why are you unwilling to listen to my brother, clearlyPlaying and Ji Berry are so frank, so obedient ... "

When he heard Qian Xian's self -speaking, Shi Hui suddenly froze," Don't interfere with me anymore ... "

br> "Ha?"

"If you are interfered with me, I will cut off my brother and sister relationship with you !!!!!" Said the left -holding Qian Mi running out.

"Today's heart sauce is also very cute!"

"Yes, right! The cake from the heart of the sauce is delicious!"

Saying with a smile, "Brother's cake is the world's first!"

Ji Rie shook his head helplessly, watching the pseudonym of the cream on the cake, "the guests are all the guests.The The idiot is really good ... "

" ... "by heart.

Production room

"Brother, hasn't Shi Hui returned yet?"

"It seems that it has been a week!"

Thousands of fantasyTurning slowly, his face was thin and shar, the heart play and Ji Berbi were shocked, "Poetry Hui, no problem ..."
"We are worried about your brother, you!" X2

Thousands of magic applying cream on the cake, while still talking to himself, "No problem or no problem ..."

Watching the cream on the cake obviously spell out'Shi Hui, where are you?' Ji Rie's face was shocked, "No at all !!"

Qian Mi's face was sighing, "I am really lost as a brother ... I originally planned to replace the dead parents.Come to protect everyone ... "Thinking of Shi Hui shouted to himself not to care about his own thousand fantasies and pushed the two out," Go ... guests are waiting for you to say hello! "

br> "It's not intended!" The words of the heart made Qian Mi, "It's always our guardian!"

The heart of the heart recalled that he was bullied by a child when he was a childPlaying, Shi Hui forgot to play outside and was scolded by thousands of illusions, and took care of Ji Berry, who was only a few years old, and said happily, "Now it is also to guard the store and our home from college."

A happy face said, "Secretly check the typos and leaks in the diary, confirm whether there are any suspicious things in the wardrobe and table at home every day ..."
Watching the heart of the memory tangled, [Sister Heart!IntersectionIntersectionBrother is not checking the wrong words!IntersectionIntersectionNo!IntersectionThere are suspicious things that are gods and horses!IntersectionHow can our family have such a thing!Intersection]

"So my brother is gone at all!"

"You guys ..." Thousands of Mi looked at the heart of the heart.

"You are worried about Xiao Shi Hui!"

"So my brother should be as usual!" by Ji Rie
"Yes!"I was excited, "Then I went out !!"
"I'm also happy ... but I'm still a little worried, I'll go together!" Ji Berry said, nodded, "EnnWell! The store is given to me! "

When Qian Mi was about to leave, the girl who often came again came again, and I saw the girl whispering with a face," That ... Thousand Magic Jun,Today, I ... I want to say something to you ... "

" I'm sorry I am busy !! "Qian Xian didn't care about running from the girl, the girl hurriedly grabbed Qian Mi," Wait a little ... I ... I ... ITo you ... that ... "

Thousands of magic roar back at the girl," I'm not anxious !!! You sow!!!!The lost sister! "Said the girl who ignored the heartbreak and ran out of the house.

Ji Berry looked at the girl again with a tragedy, "This is reality ... but ... a sister -in -law's brother is so nice ..."
