Chapter 6 Princess Anli Aita

"Hey ~ I said master… Can you stop? "Thousands of magic headache looked at Louisi, who got up early in the morning, and had been constantly walking around. It has been 2 hours from getting up to now ...

Sitting on the bed with a depressed face, "I care ... I have forgotten that there is a review meeting ..."

"What kind of thing?"

"That was held every year as usual,Students want to show what they call ... "

" Well ... can you not go ... "Sitting in the chair lazily, watching Lugus boringly ...

"Absolutely not!! All the second grades have to participate !!!" Lu Yisi looked at Qian Shi solemnly, "You can't help but participate ..." Lulisi, murmured, "In short, I also want to avoid being ugly in public, because you will speak people, so you can do it on the stage ... "
" Okay ... I know ... Master ... "Qian Xi looked at his back and went back to the back.Lugois said helplessly, "In short, I will do it ..."

"That's good ..."

……………………………………………………………………………………… In the morning …………………………………………………

Thousands of magical are sitting on the high tower of the Toris Tingyuan Academy with a mercury lamp, and suddenlyA team of carriages came in the distance, and the carriage gradually entered the gate of Torristein Academy. Thousands of fantasy found that all teachers and students also gathered at the door. It seemed to be welcoming something."Now ~ Xiaoshui? Go to see?"

"Hmm ..." The mercury lamp slowly nodded, and then shrank in the thousands of fantasies, looking at Qian Mi sweetly.

Thousands of fantasy swayed their heads, "Little water ... you have to make more friends ..." The mercury lamp shook his head vigorously, "Little water ... as long as your father ... is enough ..."

> "Hey ..." Qian Xi sighed gently, and then flew to the crowd with a mercury lamp ...

"The princess of Trisetin ... Lord Anlita drove ..." With a loud voice,The carriage gradually came to the students to stop, and a noble girl walked down from the carriage. I saw the girl slowly walked in front of the principal who came to welcome, watching the people kneeling, the girl said with a smile, and the girl smiled."Suddenly mentioning such a request, I'm really sorry! Mr. Ottoman"

"There is no such thing, we are all waiting!" The principal said slowly.

"Because I want to appreciate it this year ..."

"That's!" The principal looked at His Royal Highness in front of him.

"It's just my personal request ..." Anli Aita answered with a smile.

"What is the princess of Trisetin ... haha ..." The principal just wanted to say, and a voiced voice came from the air, and the principal looked up in shock, and saw a crack in the sky that put the sky in the sky.Open, a white -haired elf -like character is holding a doll -like doll like his own sitting on the crack. He saw the white -haired elves looked at Anli Aita with a smile., "Yes, a little king's shadow ..."

"Who are you !!" I saw Anlita's guards with a long sword suddenly, watching the white -haired elf -like characters in front of me ...

"Thousands of fantasy !!!" Lugos was surprised to find that his own demon seemed to cause the demon again, and he shouted quickly, and everyone looked at Louise in surprise, although I heard that Lugosi summonedOut of a human figure who claimed to be a prince, but I did not expect it to be so beautiful ...

"Master ... what's the matter ..." Qian Mi completely ignored the hostility of Anlita's guard and answered casually.Lugois ...

"What are you doing? Ah !!! You give me down!"
"Nothing ..." Qian Xian stared at Anli Aita, "You are justToristen's princess ... "

" Hello ... "Anli Aita, who was protected by everyone, was not panicked at all, and gently returned to the gift," I am Anlita ... this lady ...What do you call it? "

Thousands of fantasy heads through deep#, but still look at Anli Aita seriously." Since you are the king, as the exchange between the king, I can’t be rude.Ah ... "The white light flashed in front of the people, and she couldn't help closing her eyes. When everyone opened their eyes, everyone was surprised to find that the person in the sky changed, it changed, it became noble, and it became noble.It becomes a feeling of being indifferent. It is a kind of monarchy. Although the clothing he wore on his body obviously does not belong to anywhere in the mainland, it still exudes a strong domineering atmosphere. Everyone looks up at the king in the sky.They knelt down ...

Thousands of fantasy wearing the pope robes that have just been changed, just walking down in the air step by step, just like scaring the steps, but the horrible thing, thousands of things, thousands of things, thousands of things, thousands of things, thousands of things, thousands of things, thousandsThere is nothing under the fantasy foot, that is, Qian Mi is the whole of the air, and the overbearing atmosphere on the thousands of fantasies watched Qian Mi slowly, and she was supporting the body Anli Aita., Thousands of fantasy eyes look at Anli Aita proudly, "The 45th Pope of the Kingdom of Magic, the 45th Pope, Thousand Magic.Tower worked hard to say slowly under the pressure of thousands of fantasy, and a trace of sweat on his face ...
"I'm sorry ... wearing this dress and killing more ..."Qian Xi also noticed the situation of the crowd, and quickly recovered the breath. The people slowly came over. Everyone was shocked when they heard Qian Mi's apology. Who is this?

Anli Aita, who resumed, looked at Qian Mi with a smile, "Is the Pope?So ... His Royal Highness of Qian Mi ... is there?"

" Nothing ... "Qian Shi shook his head freely, and opened a crack and walked in." I just come to see if you are suitable for the seat of the king ... "


"Ah!IntersectionThousands of magic!IntersectionWhat do you want to do!IntersectionIntersection"Lugosi was going to Qian Mi, and he was very insulted to the attitude of treating the princess during the day. At this time, the door suddenly rang, and Louis opened the door.The people rushed to themselves, and immediately yelled, "Who are you ..."

While fluttering to Louise, the cloak also fell down, a girl hugged Lugoz,"It's been a long time since I saw it, Lugus Fransoas ..."

"Hey ~~ His Royal Highness!Intersection"Lugos heard Anlita's voice and shouted in surprise.

" Lugois ... Lugois ... I haven't seen it for a long time ... "

[Oh ~~ There is a class today! Get up in the morning and upload it ... Roar ~~]
