Chapter 15 The final battle!

"It's okay, you ..." When I hit the [Dark Book], Qian Shi took a little heart and turned his head to ask a few people who were still in a daze.

"What is the matter? Naiye? Fit? And your pseudo -mother man !!" Alice shouted loudly at several people.

At this moment, Naiye had received the information from Asla. Naiye hurriedly said to Elisa and Ling Lapi, "Someone will send you to a safe place, and thenPersist for a while, don't move. "

" That ... Fit ... Naita ... "Ling La watched the two in surprise, just about to say something, suddenly a huge magic array appeared under his feet.After speaking, the two left.

The smoke in the sky is dispersed, [Dark Book] Stand up with personality, even if it is [Dark Book] This powerful magic guide, encounter the attack of the two legendary swordsIt was not destroyed immediately, even if it was lucky, [Dark Book] looked at the source of the distant light, "Damn ... you have to die !!"
"Naita ... Fit ..."Suddenly Amy's words came from Naiye and Fit, "The news came from Kronor, let you persuade the owner of [Dark Book] to persuade the wind to stop the action immediately ..."
"Hmm… "Fate and Naiye slowly sink into the heart, calling for the wind ...

" Blast ... and [Dark Book], please do not do it!… "

Fit also persuaded the wind," Higano are with us ... "Just when Fit was about to finish speaking, [Dark Book] has slowly interrupted the personality.Fit's words, "My master, hopes this world from the bottom of my heart ... I hope to take away everything I love ... completely disappear!! So I want to realize her wish!"Hand, "So you sinners fall into the eternal darkness!"

"Dark Book!" Naiye hurriedly screamed.

[Dark Book] Suddenly lonely personality, "Do you call me like this ..." [Dark Book] Personality flew in front of a few people, "Even if it doesn't matter, I just want to realize the master’sWishes. "

" Well ... "A cold hum and interrupted the words of [Dark Book], and looked at the wind that was invaded by [Dark Book] in front of him with a gloomy face," realizedIs this desire, the wind is really happy ... "Thousands of magic gradually increased the volume," closed his own soul, abandoned his will, and existed as a prop to realize the wishes of the owner, are you willing to do this! "

"I'm just a magic guide ... just props ..." Although I answered so indifferently, the face of [Dark Book] passed the two lines of tear marks on the face.

"But ... are you not knowing to talk ... Do you have your own will ... If you really have no mind, then what do you cry!" Tell me !! "Because the whole body fell into a state of killing again, the strange bone wing kept trembling, showing the owner's anger!

"This tears are the tears of the owner ..." [Dark Book] Personality slowly said, "I am a prop, I won't feel sad ..."
"protective clothing, lifted ..."Fit fiercely lifted the protective suit and looked at [Dark Book] personality, "Isn't it sad? Say this kind of words with such a sad expression, who will believe it!"

"Prop ..." Elia slowly said, "Once, I was called a emotional existence, but! I found that I didn't have any emotional existence, that's just your own escape !!"

"You have your own heart, you can tell your sorrow, your master ... the wind will definitely respond to you!"

Suddenly began to collapse, [Dark Book] PersonalitySlowly, "Did you start to collapse ... I want to rush before I can't control and let you fall into the dark abyss ..."

When Qian Mi was ready to go up and leaked, I kept holding Qian Xian's hands, and Qian Mi looked back. Naiye was eager to look at himself, "Please! Thousand fantasy brothers, give it to us here ..." <"<<"br>
"You ..." Qian Mi sighed slowly, and then pulled up Elia and flew towards the sea. "I am waiting for you at the sea!"


"Thousands of magic? Is this really good ..." Behind youAmong the strong energy of the outbreak, Alia, who was lying in Qian Mi, asked doubtful, "Let Na Ye deal with ..."

"Who knows! ... Xiao Shui, Sister, where are you?"Qian Mi said helplessly, and then spoke to Zihe mercury lamps.

"Thousands of fantasies, Xiaoshui and I are looking at Elsa and Ling Laolin at the beach, don't worry ..." Zi's face is unhappy, and Alice and Ling Light who are not dazed at all, "No such fun things areCall me ... "

" Sorry! Sorry ... "Qian Mi smiled embarrassedly," Alice and Ling Lapi, please, sister! "
" Hmm ... "

After the passage of Thousand Magic received purple biography, he slowly looked at the flying Naiye, Fit, holding a golden sword, and ...

"We are waiting with the Lord of the Ye TianzhuCavaliers, our souls will always coexist with the owner, our lives are always the owner, we will always be loyal to the master of the night and the heavens -eight gods ... "The long -lost four knights are slowly telling our vows around the light ball.Essence

"The wings of the angel ... start it ..." The light crushed, and the wind in the monster was standing in the center of the Cavaliers.

"Blast!" Naiya shouted in surprise.

Slashed with a sweet smile to Naiye, then raised the staff and read loudly, "The light of the night! Gathering in my hands, the wisdom of the angel -the wings of the angel!"


Looking at the reunion of the Cavaliers and the Blast, we looked at the defense mode of the [Dark Book] separated from the separation of the wind.

This is Callono who came to Qian Xi, and said anxiously, "The defense mode of [Dark Book] has fallen out of control in a few minutes. We must find a way to stop him ...Now there are two ways. One is to freeze it with a strong frozen magic.Everyone's opinion ... "

" That ... "Samma said slowly," I am afraid that the first solution may not work, and it can be said to be a huge magic savings, even if it frozen,As long as the core is still, the regeneration function will not stop ... "

" The rainbow cannon is absolutely not good ... "Veta said quickly," If it is launched here, wouldn't it be destroyed by the family business ..."

" I'm sorry I can't help me ... "Higano apologized.

"That ... I said that we knocked it off!" Alfs suddenly made a voice, and immediately made Creano cry and laugh, "This is not a simple matter ... Elfa ..."

"That's not necessarily ..." Thousands of Mi smiled suddenly, making everyone watched Qian Mi in doubt, Qian Mi said slowly, "Mother Lindy ... Here, give it to me! Okay ..."

" ... Magic Sauce ... "Lindy slowly thought, and said," Okay ... please, please, thousands of fantasies! "
" Everyone ... a little ... a little ... a little ... a little ...Let's go back ... "Qian Xi put down Elia, the two stood in front of the crowd, Qian Mi looked at Elia with a smile," Now ~ Elia, this is like the battle of the Holy Grail ... "<"br>
"Indeed ... Thousands of fantasy ..." Elia also said with a smile, "That's the first time we fight side by side ..."

"Yeah ..." Qian Xian pulled out EA, 冽 冽Looking at the huge [Dark Book] defense mode in front of me, slowly gathered magic, and Elia also gathered magic with thousands of fantasies ...
"It is strong ... SS-, SS+, SS +++,SSS+, Heaven! Thousands of magic and Elia's magic breaks through SSS +++! "Emi couldn't help but exclaimed that Asla's instrument to detect magic power, Qian Mi and Elia had reached the peak of the detection of Asla's detection., But it seems that it has not been fully released, "They in the end ..."

"Is this your real power ... Magic Sauce ..." Lindi listened to Emi's exclaiming and watched thousands of screens.Magic and Alia are still gathered with magic, and can't help murmuring to himself.

[Chapter 1 Today!IntersectionIntersectionIntersectionIntersectionabove!IntersectionIntersectionIntersectionI'm sleepy, we sleep ~~ Roar!Intersection】
