Chapter 29 Untitled

"Yes ... is it ..." Qian Shi sighed gently, "How about Lulu Xiu?"

"Nothing, but it seems to be determined to die with Britain ..."

"Yes ... thank you, C.C" Thousands of Magic put down the phone, pressed the forehead with a little swollen hand, and Elia asked anxiously, "How about Qian Mi?"

"Luxiu seems to have failed!" Qian Mi said slowly, "But Lu Luxiu seems to be determined to create a organization and Britain's death!"

"LuLu ... "Elia looked at Qian Mi worriedly," Luxiu itself has a re -writing eye, plus Geass that was originally cursed, I'm afraid ... "

" Do you run away in advance ... "It took a long time to slowly say, "Once you write your eyes, you will not be distinguished by me. As long as it is parsed, it will be killed.When unstable emotions, if the third party makes them lose consciousness, she can stop running away. "

" But you know ... Thousands of fantasies "Eria said seriously," I am still the human beings.At that time, I have also seen the runaway of the owner of the eye. The destructive power can be said to be no less than the liberation of treasures. "

" What's more ... "Qian Xian has taken over Elia's words,"Is the duplication eye in Lulu's body really re -writing, that 'complete formulator' ', if not, in case of Rushu's abnormality, I am afraid we can only kill Lulu Xiu's talents ... "

"Why is Lulu Xiu who is the owner of the eye ..."


Soon, Qian Mi saw the determination of Luluxiu through a live broadcast.Essence

Every day, all the reports on the TV are reported on the Black Cavaliers. Even the battle of Narita Mountain has been reported some time ago. Every time Qian Mi knows Lalu Xiu from C.C.Changes, the more often the number of times in Luneram is using Geass, the more worrying about thousands of fantasies, because the current Lulu Xiu is likely to run away at any time.


"TongyuanThai three, the excavation business of Sakuradite became famous. As the founder of Tongyuan Industrial, the central figure in the dark regime, but ... after the defeat, he changed his identity to become an active supporter of the colonial.It is the sixth Kyoto who managed the national resistance organization, and the surface obeys the resistance, but there is you! "
" You guy! Adult's mood! "It was stopped by Tongyuan Thailand, and Leluxiu continued, "As you said, I am not a Japanese"

Luluxiu's sentence made Kalian and a few people start to be surprised.Yucheng Shiro unconsciously said, "Really false!?"
"It turned out because this did not give us face ..." I seemed to finally know why Zero was blindfolded to face facethem.

At this time, Tonghara Thai San also spoke, "Why don't you fight with the Japanese? What do you want to get!?"

"Britain's destruction!"Essence

"What kind of thing is it possible to do!? You ..."

"Yes!" Luluxiu responded loudly, "I want to ask why, that is because I have this way.The reason for doing! "Saying Lulu's hand slowly stretched to his mask," The object is that you are so good ... "

While Lulu Xiu took off the mask, Tongyuan Thailand IIILooking at Luluxiu in a shock, he thought unconsciously in his mouth, "It's you ..."

"Well, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

"Sure enough… Stayed as a victim 8 years ago ... "

" Yes, you have been taken care of at the time. "

" Are you ready to do it if the object is not me? ">
"How is it possible! I can only do a petition!"

"Did the seeds blossom 8 years ago?!" After listening to Lushu's words, the whole hall was silent, and then Tongyuan Thailand III.The laughter is full of the hall, and everyone of the Black Cavaliers looked curiously at Tong Yuantai, who faced Zero's true laughter.> "This person is undoubtedly the enemy of Britain. I also know the reason why people do not see the appearance. I promise, follow Zero! We must also work together to hide intelligence to find the bases and the like!"

> "Thank you very much ..."

"Thank you so much, Tong Yuan ..." Said that Lulu Xiu re -took his mask and turned around to walk towards the Black Cavaliers.

Tong Yuan Tai set off a curtain, and looked at Laru Xiu, who looked back at him with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Do you want to go? Shura Road?"
"If that is my destinyIf you are! "


> Thousands of Magic quietly watched Lulu Xiu and the students of the Student Union attended the funeral of Xia Li's father. Qian Mi looked at Leluxiu in worriedly, seeing the determination to see Lu Luxiu because of Xia Li's father because of Xia Li's father.The death was a bit shaken. Looking at the regrets and decisions flashed in Lulu's eyes, Qian Xian knew that since Laru Xiu has embarked on this way to resist British, there is no possibility of turning back.How much can Laruxiu be helped? I am afraid that it can only be Luluxiu when Luneram's re -enrollment ...

While observing Luluxiu in Qian Mi, I imagine the hometownIn the magic world, Shen Qi seems to have no time to wait. Practice to notify Saka to make Qian Mi prepare quickly, otherwise the consequences will be at their own risk.

[PS: Under this statement, a strange creature has recently appeared on the dots. Chen Xi has never agreed to the protagonist of the book in this book.For a group of lunatics, it is really ... Doujin is a place of love. Even if you want to mess into you anyway, you have to say hello to you, and you still have no politeness ... above ...]
