Chapter 49

Tie He was sitting in his room. There were two people in his room. The two were called Tie Chi, the other was Tie Shuang, the younger brother of Tiehe.The beasts used by Tie Shuang are actually all growing up after the egg produced by Tien's beasts, and the reason why his god beast can lay eggs is because Tien has found a small crystal stone vein in the past.He knew that he was impossible to keep the vein at all, so he directly let his pangolins eat the spar in the mine vein, and then his pangolin produced two eggs.After the egg hatching, he gave his two younger brothers. In fact, the three brothers were not a good person. They were the robbers in the gods and beasts. In the world of the beasts, they did not rob the robbery. Therefore, they have always lived.Not bad.

But some time ago, they caused a big deal. They robbed someone. At that time, they didn't care and did not kill each other, but they did not want the other party to be a big league.That big alliance has been chasing them, and they are also desperately resisting. They also killed two people in that big league. You must know that they killed the people, but the island owner, which means that the big league is that the big league.After losing the two god beast islands, this is equivalent to having death, so they had to escape to a dangerous place. They wanted to borrow the names of this big league to scare the people of that big league.After a while, after the wind passed, they returned to the beast world to move.

But after they came to the dangerous place, their days were not better before. Before, in order to make their strength stronger, they were equipped with many people in their beast space.The population in the space is much more than the population in some ordinary beast islands, but these people also have to eat, and when they rob before, the life is not wrong, but now it is not enoughThey were chased and killed before, and they had hid here for a while in the dangerous area. At this time, they never robbed it. In this case, of course, it is impossible for them to have any additional income.And relying on the food that they planted in their space, they do not raise so many people at all. In their space, starvation has already appeared. In order to allow people in their space to live, they must fight.Talent.

But in the dangerous place, there are not many people. They have not met anyone for a few days, and of course, it is impossible to rob. At this time, they met Zhao Hai.Of course, they can't let go. They are going to rob Zhao Hai once, and even they have thought of killing people, because they are not known for their dangerous place. If they do not kill Zhao Hai, they will wait for Zhao Hai to wait for Zhao Hai.I went to the beast world and talked about this to others. The people in that big league will know their position. At that time, the people in that big league will definitely chase them, then they are over.

But the other party now has a six -headed beast, which is where they are scrupled, so they will send someone to contact each other first to explore the other party, but the other party is very vigilant.Don't contact them at all, which annoyed Tien very much.

At this time, the monk who talked to Jiang Jun was standing in front of Tiehe, and to Tiehe Road: "The island owner, although the other party is unwilling to contact us, but the strength of the other party may not be the strength of the other party.Very strong, because I noticed a little, they wear the clothes very new, and there is a little bit. If the other person's strength is really strong, why not contact us? Because it is compared to the number of gods and beasts,They are good at war. "The soldier kept turning her eyes and said these words.

As soon as Tie He heard him say that, he couldn't help but stunned, and then he groaned, and then he turned his head to his two younger brothers: "What do you think of this matter?"A younger brother glanced at each other, and then the iron equator: "Brother, although the strength of the other party may not be very strong, it refers to the number of their soldiers, but the master of the island is six. After all, they have six.Can you deal with it? "Tie Chi is still very careful. He feels that the number of opponents is not large, but after all, there are six master of the island.It is not easy to destroy the other party, so Tie Chi actually doesn't really want to deal with white -eyed them.

Tie Shuang said: "I feel that their strength will not be too strong, big brother, you think, if their strength is really strong, why don’t they contact us?If their strength is strong, there is no need to be afraid of contacting us, so I think their strength must not be strong, we can do it, and our big brother, we are not doing it. Now we are hungry here every day here.Dead, if this goes on, the hearts of the following people will be scattered, so it will be difficult to do in the future. "

Tie He's face is gloomy, and the three gods and beast spaces are indeed every day.They are all starving to death. Although they are all ordinary people, these ordinary people also have relatives. Some of their relatives are still soldiers. If all those who war soldiers starve to death, then those war soldiers will still live for them.?If those soldiers are not killed for them, how can they rob them in the future?The main thing is that there are too many civilians who starve to death. When those civilians pray, they will not be sincere. If their hearts are not sincere, the power of the gods and beasts will not be enough. At that timeDividing more strength to fight against the power of the shadow clan, so that the power of the beasts will be less, and their strength will decline, then they will be over, so they must stabilize people's hearts, otherwise they must be able to live in people's hearts, otherwise they must be able to live in the hearts of people, otherwise they must be able to live in the hearts of people, otherwise they must be able to live in people's hearts, otherwise they must be able to live in people's hearts, otherwise they must be able to live in people's hearts, otherwise they must be able to live in the hearts of people. OtherwiseIf it is really dangerous, when I think of this, Tie He couldn't help but breathe, and then said, "We must do this friend. If you do n’t do it, there is no way to stabilize the situation.What is the strength, then it is best, but unfortunately there is no way to contact them, otherwise we will be more confident. "Ah, we came forward. If he sent the people below to see us, it would be rude. At that time, even if it was troubled, we would have a gift. If they did not send the people below to see us, then we wouldKnowing their strength, just find a way. "

Tie He heard Tie Chi said so, and he couldn't help his eyes and said," Okay, this method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, then the method is good, thenI went to see them in person and see how their strength. "Tie He said here, but his eyes were shining, obviously he moved his heart.

In the world of God and Beast, the division of people's strength is actually very simple. Generally, their strength is just reaching the law level, and the law level is also divided into nine layers here.At the bottom of the bottom, it is one to nine floors. The general battle soldiers, their strength, can reach the four layers of the law at most, and there are very few ones to reach the five layers of the law. Because of the changes in the environment, the aura is no longer as rich as before.It ’s likely that their strength may be like this. It’ s impossible to get stronger. This layer is now collectively referred to as the war -soldiers. In the gods and beasts, ordinary war soldiers want to achieve the rule.It is very difficult at the sixth floor of the level. Only in those big alliances, there will be such a fighting soldier. In the ordinary beast island, it is impossible to have that kind of powerful soldiers.

The title level is called the main level of the island here. Only when the title is reached, you are qualified to become the island owner of the island island, because if you do not reach the title level, your strength is simply your strength will simply be at all.There is no way to control the beast island, and the beast will not recognize you. Only when you reach the title level can you get the recognition of the beast and become the island owner of the beast island. Therefore, the title level will be called the island main level.

The same reason, the title level is also divided into nine levels. The general beast island owner has only one to three layers of the title level. After all, the aura is thin now. They want to improve their strength. They want to improve their strength.It is also very difficult. It is not easy to be a title -level master, so many god beast island owners are all in this level.

Of course, some strong island owners will reach the level of the title level 4 or more, but there are not many such people in the world of the beasts. I am afraid that there is no one -tenth.Level 7 or more, there are fewer, I am afraid that only about one percent.

The title level or above, there is a title called Sanxian level. Their strength is much stronger than the title level.It is because such a name is because of such a person, which is very rare here in the world of God. In general, only the elders of the major alliances will have this strength.However, the strength of such a person, and the number of such people in the world of the beasts, is afraid that it will reach one ten thousandth.

Sanxian level is up, that is, the earth immortal level. This level is also called the leader level. People who can achieve this layer of strength are generally the leaders of the major alliances.There are fewer people. There are not many beasts in the entire god world, but their strength is extremely powerful. When the mountains and rivers are turned color, they are talking about them.

At the earth level, I heard that there are still Tianxian levels, but that's the only level that was called in the fairy world here. Since the rename of the name of the gods and the beasts, I have never made such masters.Therefore, the Tianxian level exists only in the legend, and no one has seen it.

In the world of the beast, it affects a person's combat effectiveOf course, your combat effectiveness will be very powerful. If your beast is not very good, then your combat effectiveThe influence is just like Tiehe they. The defense of their bodies is very amazing, and her combat effectiveness is not very strong, but her feeling is more keen.Here, because of the relationship between the beasts, sometimes it is not impossible to kill people.

(This chapter is finished)