Chapter 2 Eternal Holy Light

Thousands of fantasies on the way back to the church finally learned from Horus that he is now named Ali Adenie's magic country, but how he is Holy Son, but he wants to return to the Holy See with him.The Pope will make it clear to him in person, and with the past, the thousand fantasies finally returned to the Holy See.

"Here ..." Qian Xi looked at the magnificent church in shock, a church that was atmospheric and gorgeous was appearing in front of Qian Mi, and many people were standing at the door.Essence

"Here is the Holy See of Ari Adenie, I am the Pope Walian, your name is young man" The Pope was obviously shocked by thousands of fantasies.Thousands of magic.

"Ah" Thousands of fantasy heard the question of the pope, "Um ... Thousands of Magic ... Thousand Fantasy Tenstrisa, why does Uncle Hirusus call me sage? His Majesty?" Gang justAfter saying, I found that the Pope kneeling was excitedly, and I was shocked.Your most loyal believer "The Pope's old face shouted with tears in tears, watching Qian Mi confused, and the Pope stood up to slowly explain to Qian Mi," His Royal Highness, in our country, very oldThere is a prophecy. It is said that the goddess of the bright goddess of that year felt that Ari Adenie would have a calamity, and predicted that a sage would appear on the roof of the church. He had the same name as God ... "<"br>
"Excuse me ..." Thousands of fantasy looked at the Pope, "The goddess shouldn't you call Tystroa?"

"That's it, His Highness His SonWatching the thousands of fantasies in respect.

(This is not true ... this is not true ... Tyster Rosa ... really pull ...) Qian Mi looked helplessly looking around, with a respectable look, thousands of fantasy thoughts.

"Then His Highness, please rest a little, tomorrow is your succession ceremony." The Pope slowly calmed down and said to Qian Xi in a happy tone.

"After taking over? What do you take over?" Qian Xi looked at the Pope curiously, and the bright goddess of Tenstrisa became the bright goddess of this world.

"When the seat of the pope, my His Highness" said happily, "I believe you can take us through this calamity"

"................… "


Arider can be said to be empty alleys today, because today is the day when His Royal Highness His Highness inherits the Pope. When the brutal French Empire invaded Ale Adini, the arrival of the Son undoubtedly confirmed the legend.Prophecy.

The reception of the ceremony is about to come, and even the king of the king came to observe the ceremony. As time comes, everyone will hold the breathing quietly waiting for the saints in the prophecy.The thin figure appears in the realization of everyone. Slowly everyone sees the figures walking on the red carpet. How much does it belong to the appearance of the world?The wind fluttered, and a pair of red twin pupils were so eye -catching. Two light blue crystal cross -shaped earrings made of two light blue in their ears set off the nobleness of the owner.

Thousands of fantasy walking on the red carpet, watching the people around him looked at himself with obsessive eyes, and could not help but depressed, (Why do I promise the old man ... I'm fineFind something !!!) Thousands of fantasy slowly walked in front of the standing statue of the old pope, and slowly knelt down.

"Thousands of Fantasy Tystrosha, the saint in the prophecy, from now on you will inherit the 45th generation Pope of the Holy See of Alei, to dedicate herself for Ari Adenie, you, you, you, you, you, you, youAre you willing? "The pope looked at the thousand fantasies kneeling in front of himself.

"I, Thousands of Fantasy Tenstrisa is willing to inherit this responsibility.You even said that I would die if I didn't inherit you, complained ...)

"So" Pope, oh is not the last pope, the current bishop of the red clothes, tilted his hands, picked up the crown and slowly put it on.On Qian Mi's head, "I announced that since now you are the 45th generation Pope, you will guide us to get out of the calamity."

Qian Xian slowly stood up and turned to look at the exciting people below, Firmly, "My Thousand Fantasy Tystrosa will abide by this responsibility and guard Alei Adenie" to lift his hands, singing the spell in his mouth, "the elves in the sky, the light in the lightAh, protect your people from being threatened by evil, start your shiny wings, block all the evils in the world -Saint Light · Angel Guardian! "With the two golden angel wings behind the magic of the mantra,Flying in the air with thousands of fantasy, the people around them were shrouded in a warm light. Soon, everyone was surprised to find that some old injuries on their bodies were cured, and their hearts were comfortable.

"This is ..." Walian looked at the scene caused by Qian Fantasy excitedly, and said to the equally shocked king, "His Majesty, Ardeney has saved"

"Yeah ~" The king sighed easily.> "Long live His Majesty, Long live the goddess

In the case of the approaching of the French Empire Army in 107 years, Yali Adenie was approaching the French Empire.Deni was the 45th Pope, and under the leadership of Qian Mi, the Arider army became the fearful army of the mainland, while the Thousand Fantasy was called the "Kill Pope" and the Thousand Fantasy Tenstrisa.Because the dazzling appearance was called the "Angel Pope" by the people of Ari Adenie.

——————— "The Emperor Alei Adenie"


"His Royal Highness of Thousand Fantasy" Tyrina, who was sitting in the king's position, slowly said to Qian Fantasy, "Now the French Empire has been negotiated to our country. YourMeaning? "

" His Majesty "has given a gift, ignores the clothes on his body, and said," Since the French empire has asked to negotiate, then we will negotiate. After all, there will be many innocent innocents in war.The people are in pain "

" Okay ~ "Tyrinas nodded," then the king of the Francisco Empire by Qian Fantasy. "

" Follow the followYour order, His Majesty "


> Agus looked at the thousand fantasies sitting in front of him, and could not imagine that it was such a person who resembled an angel, that is, the "killing pope 'that made his country be frightened, but he couldn't believe it, because he was the emperor of the French empire.I feel the suffocating compression on my body, Argus slowly spoke, "Then, His Royal Highness of Thousands of Fantasy, let's negotiate" (Hum ~ Although you are amazing, the old guy of Tyrinas will not look likeYou are as powerful, now you are estimated to have seen the goddess of light haha!)

"Okay, Her Majesty Agus" When a thousand fantasy is preparing to negotiate, a guards were suddenly full of blood rushing.In the face of Qian Mi, Qian Mi looked at the people in shock, "What's going on"

"His Majesty, His Majesty, His Majesty ... he was attacked by him"past.

"Damn" Thousands of magic look at Argus with a sneer.After all, as soon as Tyrinas died, Ari Adenie would fall into chaos. His thousands of fantasies could not inherit the throne. Because the kingship would definitely cause Ariedi to be turbulent, "War is dirty.The game "

" Humm ~ "Shi Shi watching the laughing Argus disdainful, raised his right hand," Angels who enjoyed in the virtuousness of nothing, please go back to the disturbing dirty world.In the middle, because of the unclean air, you need to clarify. Purify! Follow the earth! --- The Holy Light! "With the magical mantra, the huge holy light hit the Argus and his army.Argus and his army disappeared into a dazzling shy light, and the light scattered over the place where Agus and his army stood into a sunken plain.

Thousands of fantasy dismissed the depression caused by myself, and hurriedly turned to talk to the negotiation of Hades, "Headus, I ordered you in the name of the pope, and led the Cavaliers to accept the law.The royal power of the Lan Empire, I rushed back to see Her Majesty "

" Follow your order, Pope "Heds bent down silently, then turned over the horse, and his right hand waved," For AlleyAdenie, Chong ~~ "

…………………………………… Alley Adenie ………………………………………………………………………………

Tyrina was lying on the bed dying, and Tali Anzheng desperately cast light magic, trying to save the king's life, but the effect ... At this time, the space was tearing for a while, with a face face, a face face, a face face, a face face, a face face, a face face, a face face, a face face, a face face, his face faceThe anxious thousand fantasy came out of the inside.

"What's going on, Wayan?"

"His Majesty, the Pope, the French Empire sent a daring team to sneak the king, and now even the light magic is useless."Said to Qian Mi vertically.

"Cough ... cough" suddenly had a cough. It turned out that Tyrinas woke up miraculously when he heard Qian Mi's voice miraculously, "How about the negotiation ... His Royal Highness ...">
"His Majesty of the Kings ..." Thousands of Magic looked at Tyrina in painfully, although he accepted the responsibility of saving Ari Adenie in confused, but in the past few years, he has been deeply established with this country.It is implicated, and Tyrina, as a king, not only accepted a selfless self, but also loves the people as a son. For Adini for Ari Adenie, he can say that he has made his life.The decision that could not be imagined at all, Qian Mi smiled softly, "His Majesty, do you believe in me?"
"Of course ... you are 朕 ... the most believed person ... what's the matter."Tyrinas tried to open his eyes and looked at the gentle face.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, you will continue the will of the goddess" Thousands of fantasies slowly raised your hands, and the huge wings behind you appeared again in front of a few people.I know when I want to wake up, do n’t have Yali Adenie, do n’t have everyone)

"The breeze of gentle and light, the blue and clear sea, the burning flames, the calm and calm earth, the calm and calm land,With the resonance of the four major elements, open the channel for God's demands, the supreme great god worship in the world of the four gods.Lucky -the last compassion "

The light of the sky connects the palace and the sky into a line, and the people who hear the attacked by the king are walking out of the house to pray for the king.Sites, the light is scattered, a huge sorrow floods in the hearts of everyone, and everyone spontaneously walked in front of the palace door, and I saw the old pope crying silently, and Tyrinas was holding the pope to himself, Thailand.Renas choked and looked at everyone slowly, "Thousands of fantasies used the ban on God to save me, and now ... have returned to the embrace of the goddess ..."

Ali Adenie 113 years, Ardney's most legendary Pope Thousand Fantasia Tenstrisa used the legendary magic spell in order to save the attacked king Tyrina, and returned to the embrace of the bright goddess.Being buried at the original site of the old church, Tyrina announced the nation's mourning for 7 days and chased Her Majesty the "Eternal LightThe French Empire became the hegemon of the mainland's hegemony.

——————— "Thousands of Fantasy · Tenstrisa Legend"

[In other words, this chapter is so much ... there are 4K ... original plot writingIt's not so good, don't mind ... above]
