1 1 2 zheng shu ji qin lin zhui dao hui

Going to the provincial capital again, of course, I said with the family before I came. My father and mother attached great importance to letting the son must bring his own condolences.

After coming to the provincial capital, Liu Ziguang did not rush to Fang Ye's house. Instead, he contacted his friends in the provincial capital. Hearing that Liu Ziguang had something to do.I bought dozens of wreaths and a car to the family members of the Provincial Party Committee. Anyway, she supported the scene, so that the old lady's Lingtang would not be too shabby.

Although the sister and brother of the Yuan family have happened one after another, it is a matter of the medical system. Paradise does the foreign trade import and export business. Guan Tao is the military system **.You can enter the room in the hall, but people from those hospitals and pharmaceutical factories dare not come to the door.

Now Liu Ziguang is a person with a head and face, but it is limited to the business category. In the officialdom, he has no great influence.When the dean proposed to ask him to find a way to rescue Fang Ye's mother, he could only show that he could help.

Vice Dean Fang sighed and continued to greet the guests. Guan Tao came over and handed Liu Ziguang with cigarettes and said, "This time the Yuan family is really over.Relying on his sister's relationship, everything messy goes to the hospital. He does not look at the current wind direction. Secretary Zheng was trying to kill chickens and monkeys.>
Liu Ziguang's heart moved: "So, this is not a simple judicial case?"

Guan Tao sneered: "The death is just a few flat -headed people.At the point of the director's hat, you may not know much about the situation in the province. Zheng is the leader of the air descending. The foundation is not firm.The long -term candidate, after such a thing, the people below Zheng did not bite into the dead. "

Liu Ziguang said:" That wheat watched Vice Director Yuan's dismissal? "

> "That's there any way. If you lose your car, you're a handsome, don't get it. Now, you can see whether Yuan can take the problem on herself. If she knows it, it will be there.If you know it, don't think of it in your life. "

Liu Ziguang understands that the prominent Yuan family has really disintegrated this time, and the official struggle has always been cruel.Sin, let alone his future mother -in -law is indeed conclusive.

A group of people in and out of the Yuan family naturally attracted the attention of the residents of the family members of the Provincial Party Committee. At noon, some vehicles passing by work passed by the door, and one of them stopped., Han Yan, the secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee, came down from the car, his eyes were a little complicated. He hesitated and walked into the Yuan family. He got a scent of fragrance for the old lady.After all, people in the system finally came to hang the old lady, which shows that the Yuan family still has hope and has not been abandoned.

Han Yan also saw Liu Ziguang, nodded to him kindly, and left the car to leave. Guan Tao said: "Deputy Secretary Han's son has a city government.The official -level officials can be considered leading. He dare not come to hang up, and he dares. "

Liu Ziguang asked:" I heard that Han Yan had a brother in Jiangbei as a public security director, is itBrother? "

Guan Tao said:" You are talking about Han Temple Qing, he is the cousin of Han Yan, but in the sequence of the Han family, it can only be regarded as a side branch, otherwise it will not be able toOnly forty years old is mixed. The Han family is a family, and there are people in the military and politics of the military. However, it has been declining in the past two years.Big is already the boss of state -owned enterprises, and the level is also the vice -provincial level. "

" What about that Mai family, what's the situation? "Liu Ziguang asked.

"The story inside is long. The Yuan family and the Mai family have a world diplomatic relations. During the Cultural Revolution, the two elderly people were defeated by the rebels at the same time, squatting in the same cow shed, and then chaos anyway anyway anyway., Mr. Yuan's official official to the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization, the Mai family only became a mayor, but his children were very angry.At the level, the son -in -law was even more incredible. The Xuanwu Group was opened by their family. It really wanted money and money. Instead, they had the power. Instead, the Yuan family was left behind. Yuan Zijun was almost fifty.

"It seems that the two of them are also helping each other in the officialdom." Liu Ziguang said.

"That's not, it's all red descendants. The regime is still rest assured in the hands of his children.If you do n’t enter, you ca n’t enter the needle. Even the secretary of the provincial party committee ca n’t do anything. I heard that since Secretary Zheng took office, there were several games on both sides. Take your Jiangbei City.The result of the game was that Li Wei'an had been removed. Secretary Zheng wanted to insert himself to Jiangbei as a leader. There were differences in the Standing Committee. In the end, the two sides had to compromise and let the Qin Song of the Mai Department as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.Hu Yuejin is only the mayor. "

" So, Hu Yuejin is the man of Secretary Zheng? I remember he has been working in Jiangbei, how can he get a relationship with the central government's Zheng Jieff. "Liu Ziguang wonderedEssence

"The affairs in the officialdom are not static. Hu Yuanlai has no powerful background, preparing to retreat, because a criminal case was noticed by Secretary Zheng.In the age of the end of the class, it would be too late to not fight, so he invested in Secretary Zheng without hesitation. "

Liu Ziguang suddenly enlightened:" It seems calm and quiet, but in fact, the bottom is already a stormy wave, no need to ask, no need to ask, Han Temple Qing, the director of the public security, is also the result of the game. "

Guan Tao laughed:" You are really penetrated, the movement of the Han family is so big.Song Jianfeng, which was promoted, had already mentioned it, and I agreed with this proposal. Look at it. If it doesn't take long, Director Han will upgrade to the secretary of the Jiangbei Politics and Law Committee. "

I see it. "In my heart, I thought of the old classmate Zhou Wen. It is difficult for Zhou Wen to be alone. From various situations, Zhou Wen should also be Zheng Shi's horses.

Seeing Liu Ziguang's thoughts, Guan Tao patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry. Now the Yuan family is completely finished, and it will not be bad.You can rest assured that there are brothers to help, and the scenery of the old lady's funeral is definitely. "

As Guan Tao said, with the help of this group of friends in the society, Mrs. Yuan's old ladyThe funeral is also very mourned. Although there are not many vehicles delivered, the level is very high, all of which are luxury cars such as Audi, Mercedes -Benz, BMW. After arriving at the funeral home, more than a dozen men in black suits put the wreaths on the trucks on the trucks.Lift it, the ocean of flowers everywhere, the sorrow sounds, and the atmosphere is very dignified.

The veteran cadre bureau sent a section chief to support the memorial service, and the senior leaders were not present. This made the aunt very dissatisfied, but thought of the current situation of the Yuan family, she could only sigh.

Just when the ritual was about to start, the two cars drove at the door of the funeral home.The comrades of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Procuratorate were far behind, and they were not worried about their escape.

When Yuan Zijun's sister and brother appeared at the scene of the memorial service, it caused a little commotion, but after seeing the political and legal cadres who followed, everyone calmed down again.Yuan Lin rushed into his father's arms, tears under the rain.

Vice Director Yuan has long lost his expression, his eyes are dim, his hair is dull, as if he is ten years old.His hair was good, don't cry, and then walked towards the crystal coffin of the mother's body. He bowed three deep bows and choked and said, "Mom, I'm sorry for you."

Yuan Xiaojun alsoHe stepped forward to bow to his mother, lost his mother's asylum, and the gods in Yuan Jiayu were not as good as before. The decadent expression looked like a laid -off worker who had not spent half a year.

Yuan Zijun saw Liu Ziguang in the crowd. He understood that the bleach of the funeral in his heart must be his help, looking at Liu Ziguang, who was serious, and Yuan Zijun intersecting. I didn't know what to say.

Suddenly there was noisy at the door, the crowd was separated, and a middle -aged man who welcomed the ingenuity of Yuxuan Angle, followed a group of followers behind him, all dressed up with white shirts and black trousers, wearing black yarn on the sleeves, all the memorial service scenes were all at the scene of the memorial service scene.The people were stunned, and the provincial party committee secretary Zheng Jiefu came.

按照袁家老太太的级别,追悼会上出现一两位省级领导并不稀奇,但是现在的情况是袁家已经倒了,谁都不愿意和他们牵扯上关系,以免瓜田李下The suspicion, even the Han family and the Mai family did not show up, and the person in which Secretary Zheng and the Yuan family had no relationship, even attended the memorial service, how this is not surprising.

Secretary Zheng bowed to the remains, and then shook hands with his family members. Simply speaking, he left.I temporarily changed a deputy director to go to the hosting ceremony. In short, everything went according to the relevant level, and the prestige of the memorial service was not affected by the case of the sister of the Yuan family.

The comrades of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Procuratorate waited until the memorial service ended, the remains were cremated and buried in the cemetery, and then brought Yuan Zijun and Yuan Xiaojun to the car.There is a reliable expression.

"Not good, the elder sister of the Yuan family may not be able to stand up, Secretary Zheng is too high." Guan Tao quietly said in Liu Ziguang's ear.