Chapter 116 Carefully and high -profile

Chapter 116 I accidentally and high -profile

I know that the game can't play for a while and a half, and Li Huaishan shook his head disappointed.At this time, someone outside the dormitory called playing.Li Huaishan picked up his basketball when he heard Hou Xingchong.Can't play the game, play the ball assembly.But when I was about to go out, it was pulled by Lu Xuyang.

"Demon, what do you do?" Li Huaishan asked in surprise.

"Aren't you going to play basketball? I want to see it too." Looking at Feng Beibei's eager look in front of the computer, Lu Xuyang knew that the computer couldn't get to his own hands.Go out.

"You are going, then I will go to the fun. I haven't played the ball for a long time." Wu Hai next to me also said.

After hearing their conversation, Li Huaishan smiled and rushed to the two: "That's the best! Before looking at your little body, I thought you didn't like to play, so I didn't call you, since you, youYes, we can play more together after that. "

I always played basketball by ourselves.EssenceNow that I know that the dormitory played basketball in both seminars, there is still no fight.

After listening to Li Huaishan's words, Lu Xuyang met with Wu Hai and smiled.The three talked about walking towards the stadium.

Lu Xuyang couldn't play. Since the storm in the high school, he learned some of the most basic methods of basketball.Although it is not professional, it is enough to play in my spare time.

When a few people arrived, there were four or five people waiting there on the court. Seeing Li Huaishan, those few beckoned for them.

"A few brothers, how do you fight?"

At this time, one of them came out and asked.

"Four pairs and four, come over and me, I am here!" Li Huaishan said.

"That's good. Mingzi go to you."

After dividing the team, a few of them played.Because I just come out to play and relax.Lu Xuyang didn't intend to use skills or something.So he played very hand.He lost several goals from his hand.

"Well. I said buddies, will you play basketball?" The other party asked with a curious Chong Lu Xuyang.

Lu Xuyang smiled awkwardly.Some embarrassed replies: "It's been too long, it's a bit of a hand, just for a while, just for a while ..."


See himLi Huaishan, who interacted, also ran over at this time: "Dharma, how many times did you play basketball? Seeing your hand, I am curious!"
"Uh ... I have played ...Once! "Lu Xuyang replied awkwardly.

When he heard Lu Xuyang's answer, Li Huaishan yelled in surprise: "What? Only once?"

The whole voice was shocked.Chong Lu Xuyang looked over.

This time I was shameful and lost, and Lu Xuyang thought.It seems that you have to take a bit of work.Thinking of this, Lu Xuyang never tried to dribble.He threw the basketball that had just reached his hand directly towards the basket.

"Brush ~~"

Three -pointer, shooting.And it's still a beautiful hollow ball.Although the line flying before the ball was so weird.

Li Huaishan stunned.Only then came back and asked Lu Xuyang to stretch out a big man and said, "The evil is good, good luck, this can also be in China!"

When he heard Li Huaishan's words, Lu Xuyang just smiled and didn't speak.He can see it anyway.Why waste that energy to explain!

"Evil, pick up the ball." Wu Hai shouted, and the ball reached Lu Xuyang's hands again.Lu Xuyang didn't say anything, and went out of the ball again.


A long distance three -pointer, shooting score.It's another beautiful hollow ball.

The whole game was half a ring.One of the other party returned to God and praised: "Buddy, okay, it is nowadays, this luck ... It's against the sky!" After that, he stretched out a big finger at Lu Xuyang.

Lu Xuyang just nodded with a smile.

"Evil, pick up the ball!" At this time, Li Huaishan also passed a ball.He wanted to see if Lu Xuyang could still be in China.They do not necessarily have a three -pointer throughout the game. He is good. A person who does not play very much has two three -pointers, and it is all hollow. How do you really think and how to feel evil.

This time, Lu Xuyang did not shot directly, but used his scoop technology to run away with the ball.The opponent thought that he was going to throw the ball, and he kept his attention to the basketball in Lu Xuyang's hands.Lu Xuyang felt helpless, and he was completely ignored by them.The ball I originally wanted to throw it turned around and smashed the basket.

"Touch ~~"

Basketball hit the basket and finally fell in again.

Three -point goal, score.

At this time, the most calm Wu Hai was not calm.

"Demon, you are hidden, so good technology, what are you pretending?"


I heard Wu Hai's questionThen, Lu Xuyang was speechless.

In the next time, they gradually began to pay attention to Lu Xuyang. From the neglect of just now, to the current attention, it made Lu Xuyang's ignorant mood a little bit better.

At this time, Lu Xuyang's basic posture passed the previous practice, which was becoming more and more familiar.The fight began to be modest.


The ball passed to Lu Xuyang again. Lu Xuyang was playing. He took the ball and ran three steps forward.People came to the air like flying, and then everyone only heard a loud noise of 'touch', and the basketball was directly smashed into the basket from top to bottom.Then Lu Xuyang hung on the basketball rack, and the entire basketball rack shook.

"Ah ~~ The evil is great." The crowd was still surprised, and a girl screamed from outside the voice.

Looking at the voice, the girl who had seen before the cafeteria before.It turned out that Lu Xuyang had a three -pointer three -pointers before, and it has long attracted a lot of people to watch unknowingly.Until his dunk, the girl below screamed.

I am accidentally and high -profile.Lu Xuyang thought.After playing the ball last time, he fled. This time, he didn't want to be stared at by any coach anymore.

"Dude, don't play it, it's too late, I have to go back." Lu Xuyang shouted at them.

But these people seeing girls watching, they are excited to be like a wolf, and they persuade Pin Xuyang to fight for a while.But they had to fight with Lu Xuyang for a while.Everyone saw that he was not in the state, and the most important thing was that those girls clearly looked at Lu Xuyang, and they told him to cast another one.It's just that Lu Xuyang didn't want to be famous and refused! Several others saw no girl for himself and lost their interest.Finally, he was separated from a gaming unparalleled scattered voice.

Lu Xuyang, who was sweaty, returned to the dormitory.At this time, Feng Beibei finally left the computer. It may be tired and fell asleep on the bed.The right to use the computer returned to Lu Xuyang logically.